Day 144th 🎉

Today I’d like to share with you guys some numbers. 📈 Recently, my friend suggested me I should make an illusion that the is bigger than it actually is. You know — “fake it till you make it”!

I don’t want to do that. I want to share the truth. Real numbers. Savee is still a one-man show. And I had to do a lot of work. 🏋️‍ Not just write an iOS and Android app itself. You have to do a website presentation, app stores presentation, propagation, write a blog, deal with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, … Write a stuff like terms & condition and policy. Besides this, you usually want to spend a time with your family, friends or do a sport. Also, you have to earn money for your life, so you usually have a paid job also.

Look, it is not easy. But it worth it! And I want to share this journey with you guys. I want you to see these real numbers. I don’t know if those numbers will grow or not, but I want you to see the truth.

I will share more of these on my twitter account. If you are interested in this journey 🚗 follow me over there. Maybe you want to take the same journey. Maybe it will motivate you to do that! I hope it will. Just do it! ✔

There is a lot of updates in the application. I am not going to write all of them here. There is a changelog on the website for this reason. You can check everything out over there.

I just want to tell you about the Goals and about the Karma! I believe it will help us to take care of our money more than ever.

The Goals

I want to keep my income bigger than 2 000 euros a month. I want to keep spending for “eating out” category lower than 100 dollars a week. I should keep spendings for a rent lower than 40% of my income. My spendings should be lower than income. My financial reserve should be bigger than 3 months of my income.

Those are examples of your goals. You will create the goals like this and then it is up to you to fulfill those goals! Keep the streak as long as possible.

The Karma

We’ll give you karma points for everything that will push you closer to financial independence. You will get karma points for tracking your expenses. You will get karma points for fulfilling the goal.

We’ll decrease your karma points if you perform actions that are not healthy for your money. For example, if your expense is bigger than income.

Send a support

I don’t speak about money. I won’t push you to buy the Savee (even though you can). Actually, everything you will do is a big motivation for me. If you send me a message (you can now do it directly from the app or from the If you leave a comment. If you use the app. If you share the link on your social networks. If you follow us on our social networks accounts. Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Everything is a huge motivation for me. Believe me. Everything. Thank you, guys!!! 🙏



Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion