Day 22nd

I have done it! It has been 22 days since Day zero! article. I am really happy I can introduce Pineapple! My brand new financial manager.

22 days ago, I didn’t even know the name of this application. And now, there is an iOS and Android application. Pineapple is already helping me and my girlfriend to track our spendings while we stay here in New Zealand. I know how much money I have in total. How much money we spent on food (and beers!) or how much money I have already spent on my house back in the Czech Republic!

The Pineapple doesn’t look exactly how I would like it to look. We have already found tons of possibilities how we can make it better. And I am going to do it! But I feel that I am closer to my dream. To have a profitable application. It is the first step, you know. To publish the application.


I am really happy I have already taken a courage and just did it! I had no idea it will be more about administration than about coding itself. Coding took maybe 40% of the time. Rest of the time, I was working on a website, logo, images, texts, screenshots, Fastlane, etc. Now I feel like I have everything prepared and I can start building better Pineapple.


The Pineapple is multi platform. You can use it on iOS and Android. It is fast, it works offline, it keeps summary about your money, it categorizes your expenses and you can share those expenses with your friends.

I know there are already applications that are doing more less the same (usually more) but I can promise that Pineapple will be improved a lot! If you believe me, I am offering you a limited edition of Pineapple! I put there an ability to subscribe it. The prize is set up to NZD 3.99 a year! That’s how much the Pineapple fruit costs here in New Zealand. It is nothing for you, but for me, it is absolutely amazing motivation.

Thank you a lot! Any ideas and feature requests are very welcome!

Links to store

Android version is here and iOS version will be here (once it is approved by apple — I will edit the link)

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How I built profitable application faster than found new job! I would love to hear what do you think ;)

About me

Author of react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion. I write about those libraries in React Native Motion blog.

I am constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities. If you need a help with something, let me know, please ;) I will be happy to discuss it.

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Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion