Day 36th — release notes

I am happy to introduce a new version of Pineapple. Get the app on Google Play or iTunes. The biggest changes are:

  • transaction form was completely redesigned
  • exchange rates

I really enjoying a work with groups. I can create a group for a family, for a trip or even for my Pineapple project. And now, with exchange rates, everything is more clear for me. Because I have to buy stuff in different currencies and Pineapple converts it to the only one I chose. Check how it looks like in a report article.

Transaction form

Pineapple is a bit more clever and tries to fill everything for you automatically. You can change currency now and see converted amounts for your group and account. For me it is very useful feature. I am living in New Zealand now and have accounts in EUR, CZK and GBP. So I can pay in NZ with any of those accounts and I will see how much does it cost in currency that I know better than NZ$. You can select a date of the transaction and you don’t have to specify account now. It is helpful if you don’t want transaction to have an impact to totals on dashboard screen.


There are a big plans with this screen. Step by step though. Now you can see how much money do you have on your accounts. Converted to the currency which you can set up in your settings and also all money do you have in particular currencies.


Also profile was redesigned a bit. You can still get a limited edition of Pineapple. Costs only $2.99 a year! I know it is nothing. But for me it is a biggest motivation ever :)

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About me

I am author of react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion. Writing about them in React Native Motion blog.

I am constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities. If you need a help with something, let me know, please ;) I will be happy to discuss it.

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Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion