Day 60th — release notes

New version is out there. I will write here only about few features that were added to Pineapple. You can find full list on Pineapple website.

Income widget

You can find a new widget on dashboard that shows your income. For last couple of months and average month income. Useful for those of you who has no stable income.

Filter your expenses

Filter was added to detail screens of group and account. So you can choose a month, you can choose either income or expense.

Particular expenses were grouped by day in the list. It is more simple to find out how much money did you spend and when did you spend them.

You can also see how the Pineapple converts between currencies for you. You can spend money in CZK but you see expenses in euros. It’s up to you.

Transfer money and adjust account

Recently, I needed to send money from one account to another one. That’s why I added transfer transaction.

Sometimes, it happens that you just forgot to track you expense or income. So your account won’t show the exact amount of money you have on your real account. That’s why I added ability to adjust (sync) your accounts.

That’s not all

I added notification for those who are using shared groups. To see that someone added transaction to the group.

I add ability to change color of group as you can see on the picture above.

Next version

Already working on a next version of Pineapple. You can expect more animations and more graphs ;)

Last version with 90% discount

Pineapple is getting better and better. Next version will be last one which you can get with 90% discount. Just $2.99/year. Nothing for you. Big motivation for me!

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About me

I am author of react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion. Writing about them in React Native Motion blog.

I am constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities. If you need a help with something, let me know, please ;) I will be happy to discuss it.

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Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion