Day 72nd

More than two months behind us and we still don’t have a profitable application. But we have already 3 subscribers! Totally happy about that! To be honest, it seems it is much easier to find a job than build a profitable application :)

New Version

There is a new version on Google Play. The same version will be available on Apple Store in a couple of hours. Still waiting for review.


I set up a new changelog page for Pineapple app. If you are interested what is happening in the app, you can subscribe updates over there. Or you can just check the page occasionally ;)

There is a couple of new features and I fixed a plenty of bugs since the last version. The most visible change will be this pie chart on group detail page. Will be available also on account detail page soon (next version probably).

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About me

I am author of react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion. Writing about them in React Native Motion blog.

I am constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities. If you need a help with something, let me know, please ;) I will be happy to discuss it.

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Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion