Day 73rd — CodePush

Recently I moved Pineapple source codes from Github to Gitlab. How many times have you done this “hub-lab or lab-hub” transformation? 😃

I did not move them because Microsoft is buying Github 😮. I moved them because Gitlab provides free private repositories and free Continues Integration tools. Gitlab CI was the main reason.

Pineapple is still just a hobby project and generates almost no money. So I need to looking for ways how to save them.


Anyway, I wanted to tell you about CodePush (Microsoft again). It is a way how you can update only JavaScript of your React Native application. So you don’t have to build a new .apk/.ipa and go through the review process just because you want to change a color of button. I read about this 2 or 3 years ago in this article. Now I am quite curious how I deal with my CI setup, because I have no idea where should I put the CodePush-ing. What do you thing? Do you have an experience with this?



Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion