How I reached my dream physique without following a diet or hitting a Gym!


First, let me thank you for checking out my blog. In fact, it is my first time ever to express myself in writing to the public. I decided to go ahead and launch my first blog about fitness because I believe I discovered some insights and tips during my short journey in fitness– last 2 years — that changed my life. And I feel if I shared them, I could potentially help someone living somewhere to transform her/his life, unleash their potential and reach their dream physique in the shortest path possible. For those who know me in person, they might know I lost around 66 LBS so far. My friends, coworkers, and people I know in my network spend a lot of resources, time and money in diet plans, supplements, classes, gym memberships. They all ask the same question “ The Secret”

Even though I don’t think it is a rocket science but before I start, I want to let you know this is not going to be similar to most traditional fitness blogs out there; I am not going to share with you specific diet plan and tell you to follow. I am not either going to share with you a workout program to get you six packs in 2 weeks. This is not what this blog about. However, more important I am going to share the instrumental key lifestyle guidelines and changes I made that had been helping me continue losing weight while building pure muscular physique over short time.

The 3 Pillars I rely on of getting Aesthetic Physique:

I believe nutrition controls a lot of the variables of the equation, so this is going to be my main focus in part one. I am going to do my best to share with you how to develop your own nutrition and eating habits tailored to your own body instead of going after many types of unsustainable diets pushed to us through the mainstream media that could or could not work for all of us and if they work, they work for a while then turn out to be less effective.

The second part of the blog will focus on workout and I am going to share with you the guidelines for how to choose your own workout routine that will help you to melt your body fat while building lean muscle. Without having to subscribe to gym membership, class or even use weighted dumbbells, etc.. ..

Lastly and not least, in part three I am going to focus on managing external factors during the fitness journey. Since there are many other variables and external factors that could affect our health and fitness goals from gyms, restaurants, trainers, food stores, nutritionists, friends, to blogs and YouTube Channels. I will show you how to manage the relationships with all those external factors and make them work for you instead of falling a prey for them and letting them manage you and ruin your nutrition and workout plans.

The equation is simple: Right Nutrition + Right Workout + Proper Managing External Factors = Shredded Physique Body Shape and Healthy Life 365 days a year. Even though I cannot promise this model will work for everyone because I have not tested it yet on anyone , except myself of course, but I can promise you though I will not hold any piece of information or secret tips from what I learned throughout my journey… I will share everything I knew and realized here… OK now Let’s start!

First thing I want you to know there is no one diet works for everyone; there are so many diets out there and more diet plans will keep coming out as time goes by. Few to mention, gluten free diet, carb free diet, sugar free diet, keto diet, paleo diet, plant based protein diet, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan diets, etc.. and by the moment you are reading this line someone is working somewhere to develop new diet plan and looking to introduce it to the public and in the near future and mainstream media will start talking about how great it is.

Those diets may work for other people however, I see two main problems when I tried them:

  1. In my opinion, giving one of those diets to everyone and expecting them to work is the same as giving the exact same outfit to a group of 1000 people and expect all of them to look good when they wear it. In other words, diet plans are not one product that fits all. It is one of the most if not the most customized product that needs to be tailored to each single one of us
  2. The second problem I see those diets are not sustainable. They are not designed for long term lifestyle. Instead they are designed with the hope of getting quick results. Most people I met who follow them they operate from a project management mindset instead of sustainable long-term lifestyles;

I met quite a few of the people who follow certain diet plans they had been told to follow by a trainer, nutritionist, or through their search or mainstream media. Once they started to lose weight they cheer the results then decided to go back again to the old lifestyle because they are not following diet they enjoy. For example, some of my vegan friends eat impossible burger and beyond meat because they secretly love meat but they follow vegan diet so they accept the idea to eat something newly engineered in the lab that tastes like meat but not made of meat. Same for those who decided to stop eating sugar but they use other types of sweeteners or having cheat days to eat sugar and carbs . Both examples are not sustainable for long term because eventually they will reach a certain point they will go back to eat meat or sugar. My true vegan friends do not eat meat because they cannot sustain the smell or taste of meat any more. My sugar free friends stopped eating sugar because they do not feel good anymore under the influence of sugar. They simply see it as nice type of drugs and they finally quit and do not want to go back to it because they found out how their lives turned better without meat or sugar.

You too need to choose eating habits and lifestyle that will last for long term. Not until you start to lose weight or gain muscle then go back again to the old routine because this diet is too rough to live with. The good news is you don’t have to quit sugar, carbs or stop eating meat in order to reach your dream physique!

In nutrition, I am going to share three high-level points that I incorporate into my daily eating habits:

  1. Understand the food Mutation line and implement it in my daily eating routine
  2. Develop high BQ( Body Intelligence)
  3. Eat only when I feel hungry and stop eating when I am not

The first two points will guide you to decide what you should and should not eat. The third point will guide you to decide the number of meals and portion sizes. Best part about this pyramid is I do not have to count calories in my food decisions and don’t need to wait for someone to dictate list of food on me to eat or not. You are going to be the master and in full control of your food.. I was initially planning to explain all 3 concepts in one blog but a close friend of mine advised me to split them into 3 parts otherwise my blog will be too long to read.. So with that being said next I am going to dive deep with you and explain in details the first concept of Food Mutation Line…stay tuned!

