Coding bootcamp…

Srdjan Coric
Srdjan Coric
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2017

When you decide that you want to learn to code, and you have answered that fundamental question I talked about in previous post, next logical one is : “ Which path is the right one?” How to choose from so many different options. Should I learn on my own, should enroll a bootcamp, if yes which one? What back-end language to learn? Node.js is hit right now! Is Ruby dying? What about PHP? So many questions and you will find gazillion answers and most will be contradicting. Just like when you try to start training and lose weight. So many different options, so many different theories, everyone has the right way, you get stuck into that infinite loop of searching for the best thing without being able to find it because, I’ll share you a secret, it doesn’t exist.

Solution is basically quite simple, eat healthy food and fewer calories than you spend and do some exercise at least 2–3 times a week. Doesn’t matter what really, run, swim, lift weights, do home workouts, or just walk every day, to work, use stairs instead of elevator. All other things are just mambo jumbo blabbing and similar thing is with programming.

It doesn’t matter much what you choose, but whatever your choice is, stick to it. If you want free option, try FreeCodeCamp or TheOdinProject.

If you want expensive one, try AppAcademy bootcamp, I have heard good things about them. Although, I have to say that I don’t like the idea that you are basically rushed to finish everything in 3 month.

In my opinion though, the best option is actually in between those two I previously mentioned. Average can be the best? Not really, but this option is not average at all. I am talking about LaunchSchool bootcamp. If you decide to join them using this link will give you 50$ that you can use to pay for subscription.

What has actually drawn me to enroll this bootcamp was that they are primarily focused on fundamentals and learning them to the mastery proficiency.

Just think of one thing you are really good at. For me, it is online poker right now, and I’ve been teaching it to others for many years now and in that time I learned just how much fundamentals are important and if you are not good with them, everything else more complex won’t make much sense.

Apart from their approach, pricing is also very competitive, set at 200$ per month and there is actually no time limit set for you to finish bootcamp. You can go at your own pace. Now, remember what I said last time, if you think you can learn coding by doing it few hours each week forget about it, and this thing still applies here, but anything more than 15 hours per week is fine.

Next time I will tell you how I prepared for this bootcamp, without writing a single line of code before in my life…

