Just started my first GPTs.

Conversations with AI
8 min readNov 11, 2023



It’s in its infancy. It will add hundreds of resources for readers, authors, editors and publishers of authorized books. Functions currently scattered all over in various tools will be gathered in one tool. Bookx.

Below is a list of envisioned functions, most are not yet implemented but will be. There will be many more to come. All conceived, imagined and listed by ChatGPT4. It is envisioned that each and every function will also be implemented by ChatGPT4. It will remain to be seen if programmatic intervention wil be needed.

Get in touch at: transformbookx@gmail.com

The idea is to upload an authorized book and ask for a service such as:

1. **Audio Version**: Convert the text into an audiobook using text-to-speech technology.
2. **Translation**: Translate the book into multiple languages.
3. **Rewriting/Adaptation**: Rewrite the book for different audiences (e.g., simplified language for children).
4. **Sequel or Prequel Writing**: Create a follow-on or backstory.
5. **Critique and Analysis**: Generate a detailed critique or analysis of the book.
6. **Summarization**: Provide summaries of chapters or the entire book.
7. **Formatting**: Convert the book into different formats (eBook, PDF, etc.).
8. **Segmentation for Publication**: Segment the book for serial publication, such as on platforms like Medium.
9. **Character Analysis**: Analyze and describe the depth of characters.
10. **Theme Exploration**: Explore and explain the themes of the book.
11. **Generating Discussion Questions**: Create questions for book clubs or educational use.
12. **Alternative Endings**: Generate different endings for the story.
13. **Interactive Content**: Create interactive content based on the book for educational or entertainment purposes.
14. **Book Cover Design Suggestions**: Suggest ideas for book cover designs.
15. **Marketing Copy**: Write promotional content for marketing the book.
16. **Virtual Book Tours**: Plan and outline virtual book tours.
17. **Reader Engagement**: Develop quizzes or interactive content for reader engagement.
18. **Educational Guides**: Create study guides or lesson plans for educational use.
19. **Adaptation for Screenplay**: Outline a screenplay adaptation of the book.
20. **Illustration Ideas**: Generate ideas for illustrations to accompany the text.
21. **Dialogue Expansion**: Expand or rewrite dialogues for clarity or impact.
22. **Genre Conversion**: Convert the book into a different genre (e.g., from drama to sci-fi).
23. **Interactive Audiobook Features**: Develop ideas for interactive audiobook features.
24. **Book Trailers**: Write scripts for book trailers.
25. **SEO-Friendly Descriptions**: Create SEO-friendly descriptions for online listings.
26. **Interview Questions for Author**: Generate interview questions for the author.
27. **Fan Fiction Prompts**: Provide prompts for fan fiction writers.
28. **Alternate Plot Lines**: Create alternate plot lines for the story.
29. **Historical Research**: Conduct historical research related to the book’s setting.
30. **Cross-Media Content**: Develop content ideas for cross-media adaptation (e.g., games, podcasts).
31. **Mood Boards for Scenes**: Create mood boards for different scenes or chapters.
32. **Comparative Analysis**: Compare the book with similar works in the genre.
33. **Literary Device Identification**: Identify and explain literary devices used in the book.
34. **Fact-Checking**: Fact-check historical or scientific references in the book.
35. **Sensitivity Reading**: Evaluate the book for cultural sensitivity and inclusivity.
36. **Readability Analysis**: Analyze the book’s readability and suggest improvements.
37. **Target Audience Identification**: Identify and describe the ideal target audience for the book.
38. **Book Club Resources**: Develop resources and materials for book clubs.
39. **Interactive Web Content**: Create interactive web content based on the book.
40. **Podcast Episode Scripts**: Write scripts for podcast episodes discussing the book.
41. **Companion Website**: Outline ideas for a companion website for the book.
42. **Social Media Content**: Generate social media content for promoting the book.
43. **Email Campaigns**: Draft email campaign content for book promotion.
44. **Reader Surveys**: Develop surveys to gather reader feedback.
45. **Cross-Promotion Opportunities**: Identify opportunities for cross-promotion with other books or authors.
46. **Virtual Reality Experiences**: Conceptualize virtual reality experiences based on the book.
47. **Augmented Reality Features**: Develop augmented reality features for interactive reading.
48. **Educational Workshops**: Plan and outline educational workshops based on the book.
49. **Press Release Writing**: Write press releases for book-related events or announcements.
50. **Influencer Outreach**: Draft outreach emails for influencers and bloggers.
51. **Bookstore Event Planning**: Plan and outline bookstore events or readings.
52. **FAQ Section for Website**: Create an FAQ section for the book’s website.
53. **Merchandising Ideas**: Generate ideas for book-related merchandise.
54. **Audio Descriptions for the Visually Impaired**: Create audio descriptions for accessibility.
55. **Cultural Context Explanation**: Provide explanations of cultural contexts or references in the book.
56. **Environmental Scanning**: Analyze current trends to position the book effectively.
57. **Library Distribution Strategy**: Develop strategies for distribution in libraries.
58. **Online Forum Management**: Plan and manage online forums or discussions about the book.

  1. 2. **Translation**: Translate the book into multiple languages.
    3. **Rewriting/Adaptation**: Rewrite the book for different audiences (e.g., simplified language for children).
    4. **Sequel or Prequel Writing**: Create a follow-on or backstory.
    5. **Critique and Analysis**: Generate a detailed critique or analysis of the book.
    6. **Summarization**: Provide summaries of chapters or the entire book.
    7. **Formatting**: Convert the book into different formats (eBook, PDF, etc.).
    8. **Segmentation for Publication**: Segment the book for serial publication, such as on platforms like Medium.
    9. **Character Analysis**: Analyze and describe the depth of characters.
    10. **Theme Exploration**: Explore and explain the themes of the book.
    11. **Generating Discussion Questions**: Create questions for book clubs or educational use.
    12. **Alternative Endings**: Generate different endings for the story.
    13. **Interactive Content**: Create interactive content based on the book for educational or entertainment purposes.
    14. **Book Cover Design Suggestions**: Suggest ideas for book cover designs.
    15. **Marketing Copy**: Write promotional content for marketing the book.
    16. **Virtual Book Tours**: Plan and outline virtual book tours.
    17. **Reader Engagement**: Develop quizzes or interactive content for reader engagement.
    18. **Educational Guides**: Create study guides or lesson plans for educational use.
    19. **Adaptation for Screenplay**: Outline a screenplay adaptation of the book.
    20. **Illustration Ideas**: Generate ideas for illustrations to accompany the text.
    21. **Dialogue Expansion**: Expand or rewrite dialogues for clarity or impact.
    22. **Genre Conversion**: Convert the book into a different genre (e.g., from drama to sci-fi).
    23. **Interactive Audiobook Features**: Develop ideas for interactive audiobook features.
    24. **Book Trailers**: Write scripts for book trailers.
    25. **SEO-Friendly Descriptions**: Create SEO-friendly descriptions for online listings.
    26. **Interview Questions for Author**: Generate interview questions for the author.
    27. **Fan Fiction Prompts**: Provide prompts for fan fiction writers.
    28. **Alternate Plot Lines**: Create alternate plot lines for the story.
    29. **Historical Research**: Conduct historical research related to the book’s setting.
    30. **Cross-Media Content**: Develop content ideas for cross-media adaptation (e.g., games, podcasts).
    31. **Mood Boards for Scenes**: Create mood boards for different scenes or chapters.
    32. **Comparative Analysis**: Compare the book with similar works in the genre.
    33. **Literary Device Identification**: Identify and explain literary devices used in the book.
    34. **Fact-Checking**: Fact-check historical or scientific references in the book.
    35. **Sensitivity Reading**: Evaluate the book for cultural sensitivity and inclusivity.
    36. **Readability Analysis**: Analyze the book’s readability and suggest improvements.
    37. **Target Audience Identification**: Identify and describe the ideal target audience for the book.
    38. **Book Club Resources**: Develop resources and materials for book clubs.
    39. **Interactive Web Content**: Create interactive web content based on the book.
    40. **Podcast Episode Scripts**: Write scripts for podcast episodes discussing the book.
    41. **Companion Website**: Outline ideas for a companion website for the book.
    42. **Social Media Content**: Generate social media content for promoting the book.
    43. **Email Campaigns**: Draft email campaign content for book promotion.
    44. **Reader Surveys**: Develop surveys to gather reader feedback.
    45. **Cross-Promotion Opportunities**: Identify opportunities for cross-promotion with other books or authors.
    46. **Virtual Reality Experiences**: Conceptualize virtual reality experiences based on the book.
    47. **Augmented Reality Features**: Develop augmented reality features for interactive reading.
    48. **Educational Workshops**: Plan and outline educational workshops based on the book.
    49. **Press Release Writing**: Write press releases for book-related events or announcements.
    50. **Influencer Outreach**: Draft outreach emails for influencers and bloggers.
    51. **Bookstore Event Planning**: Plan and outline bookstore events or readings.
    52. **FAQ Section for Website**: Create an FAQ section for the book’s website.
    53. **Merchandising Ideas**: Generate ideas for book-related merchandise.
    54. **Audio Descriptions for the Visually Impaired**: Create audio descriptions for accessibility.
    55. **Cultural Context Explanation**: Provide explanations of cultural contexts or references in the book.
    56. **Environmental Scanning**: Analyze current trends to position the book effectively.
    57. **Library Distribution Strategy**: Develop strategies for distribution in libraries.
    58. **Online Forum Management**: Plan and manage online forums or discussions about the book.

- 59. **Crowdfunding Campaigns**: Develop content and strategies for crowdfunding campaigns for special editions or related projects.
60. **Loyalty Programs**: Design loyalty programs for readers.
61. **Animated Book Summaries**: Create scripts for animated summaries of the book.
62. **Voice Casting for Audiobook**: Assist in voice actor selection and casting for the audiobook version.
63. **Reader Persona Development**: Develop detailed reader personas for targeted marketing.
64. **Multimedia Supplements**: Create multimedia supplements like videos or interactive content.
65. **Public Speaking Engagements**: Outline speeches or presentations about the book for public speaking engagements.
66. **University Course Material**: Adapt the book into material for university courses.
67. **Special Edition Releases**: Plan and design special edition releases of the book.
68. **Reader Workshops**: Organize workshops for readers to discuss and engage with the book.
69. **Author Branding Strategy**: Develop branding strategies for the author.
70. **Metadata Optimization for Online Retailers**: Optimize book metadata for better visibility on online retailers.
71. **Collaborative Reading Apps**: Develop content for integration with collaborative reading apps.
72. **Guided Reading Experiences**: Create guided reading experiences with added commentary or analysis.
73. **Accessibility Features**: Implement accessibility features for readers with disabilities.
74. **Fundraising for Charitable Causes**: Use the book as a basis for fundraising for related charitable causes.
75. **Guest Blogging**: Write guest blog posts related to the book’s themes or content.
76. **Integration with Educational Software**: Integrate the book into educational software or platforms.
77. **License for Adaptations**: Explore opportunities for licensing the book for adaptations in other media.
78. **Sentiment Analysis**: Conduct sentiment analysis of reader reviews and feedback.
79. **Content Syndication**: Syndicate content from the book to different platforms.
80. **Virtual Book Clubs**: Organize and facilitate virtual book clubs.
81. **Speech Writing Based on Book**: Write speeches based on the book’s themes.
82. **Book-based Escape Room Concepts**: Develop escape room experiences based on the book.
83. **E-Learning Modules**: Create e-learning modules or courses based on the book.
84. **Content for Mobile Apps**: Develop mobile app content related to the book.
85. **Promotional Giveaways and Contests**: Organize promotional giveaways and contests.
86. **Niche Market Identification**: Identify and target niche markets for the book.
87. **In-store Display Designs**: Design in-store displays for physical bookstores.
88. **Branded Podcast Series**: Create a branded podcast series related to the book.
89. **Animated Character Models**: Create animated character models for promotional use.
90. **Book-based Board Games or Puzzles**: Develop board games or puzzles based on the book.
91. **YouTube Channel Content**: Produce YouTube content related to the book.
92. **Virtual Reality Storytelling Experiences**: Develop virtual reality storytelling experiences based on the book.
93. **Partnerships with Educational Institutions**: Form partnerships with educational institutions for book promotion and integration.
94. **Local Community Events**: Organize local community events centered around the book.1
95. **Audiobook Exclusive Content**: Create exclusive content for the audiobook version.
96. **Interactive Chapter Recaps**: Develop interactive chapter recaps for online platforms.
97. **Influencer Book Readings**: Coordinate book readings by influencers.
98. **Book-themed Art Exhibitions**: Organize book-themed art exhibitions.
99. **Collaborations with Other Authors**: Collaborate with other authors for joint promotions or events.
100. **Virtual Autograph Sessions**: Host virtual autograph sessions with the author.

