I will write every day in 2014.

Neil S W Murray
3 min readJan 1, 2014

One of the things I enjoyed most about 2013 was rediscovering my passion for writing. So, as I sat and thought about what I wanted to achieve in 2014 and what habits I wanted to form, despite a strong flirtation with the thought of learning another new language, I decided that in 2014 I will write every day.

I’m not going to set myself word limits, or even publish something every day, although everything that I do write will be published during 2014.

But, why?

  1. I want to get better at writing, as it would be nice to be good at something that I enjoy so much.
  2. I want to build an audience, not necessarily to sell products to, but to interact with, to bounce ideas off and to use as inspiration for my writing.
  3. It will help prioritise something that I enjoy doing to become part of my day to day life.

One of my personal highlights of 2013 was the success of my blog post JUST GO HOME.

Over 30,000 people have now read the post, as well as it being translated into Spanish and Japanese by readers who emailed me stating they believed it important that it was translated in order for non-english readers in their countries to understand the message I had conveyed.

This really humbled me, and encouraged me to continue with my writing and that perhaps some of the ideas and thoughts I have are worth writing down and sharing with others, even if just one reader finds value in it.

And, where?

I will be publishing all my posts on my blog, and will publish ones which I consider to be suitable on Medium as well. I also plan to use some of my daily writing to publish quality answers on Quora, and to write an e-book on “How to get your first 100 customers”.

About what?

I will be writing predominantly around startups, tech and entrepreneurship. Topics that I am particularly passionate and knowledgable about include startup communities, productivity, writing, life hacks, customer acquisition.

Check out my previous posts here for a flavour of my writing.

Inspiration from others

I have been partly inspired to set myself this goal by following several others who have experienced success in blogging and writing regularly.

I closely followed Ryan Hoover’s writing in 2013, Ryan wrote over 100 essays, and his writing was subsequently featured in The Next Web, Fast Labs and others. This journey began for him at the start of last year in a deliberate effort not too dissimilar to what I am planning for this year.

It was actually through Ryan’s Startup Edition that I came across David Spinks, who committed to writing 100 posts in 100 days. It was this challenge that first led me to begin thinking that perhaps it was possible for me to write something every day that would all publish in 2014.

By the time I came across Stef Lewandowski’s post on “Higher Resolutions” I had pretty much decided that I was going to set myself a task of doing something every day for 2014, and it was just a matter of deciding exactly what, and of course I eventually settled on my own higher resolution:


What about you?

If you have also decided that 2014 will be the year you write every day or even more regularly then let me know so we can support and encourage each other.

You can keep me accountable and receive my posts by joining my mailing list here, as well as following my blog. I can also be found on Twitter @neilswmurray

