Glengarry Glen Ross the Musical JR.

Mamet for Minors

Matthew David Brozik
How Pants Work


Always Be Curtain.


A Chinese Restaurant


SHELLY: John, I’m having some trouble lately selling real estate.

JOHN: I know, Shelly. I handle all the paperwork for the office.

SHELLY: I think the problem is the leads. I hear we got some new leads?

JOHN: We did get some new leads, but I’m not allowed to give those to anyone who isn’t already doing a good job.

SHELLY: But that makes no sense! What if… what if I give you some money for better leads?

JOHN: Do you have money?

SHELLY: No, because I’m having some trouble lately selling real estate.

SONG (Shelly): “Ya Gotta Have the Leads”


DAVE: Nobody wants to buy real estate anymore.

GEORGE: Nobody does.

DAVE: I remember when everybody wanted to buy real estate.

GEORGE: Everybody did.

DAVE: If we don’t sell more real estate, we’re gonna be fired.

GEORGE: Fired, yes.

DAVE: But they won’t give us the new leads.

GEORGE: We need the new leads to sell real estate.

DAVE: Maybe you could break into the office and steal the new leads.

GEORGE: Why me?

SONG (Dave): “Someone Should Hurt Mitch and Murray!”


Ricky: Life is funny and strange. Don’t you think so?

JIM: Do I?


JIM: I don’t know.

RICKY: What is life, anyway? Is it a highway? Is it a box of chocolates? Is it but a dream? If you think it’s a highway, then ride it all night long. If you think it’s a box of chocolates, then eat them. If you think it’s but a dream, then row, row, row your boat. What I’m saying is, life is whatever we want it to be. Have you ever been to Florida?

JIM: Have I?


JIM: I don’t know.

SONG (Ricky): “Listen to What I’m Going to Tell You Now…”


A Real Estate Office

RICKY: What happened here?

GEORGE: Someone broke in!

RICKY: Did they steal the contracts?

JOHN: They stole the good leads!

GEORGE: We’re all gonna have to talk to the police!

DETECTIVE: I’m the police. You’re all gonna have to talk to me.

GEORGE: I don’t know what to tell the police.

SONG (Ricky & George): “Always Tell the Truth”

[JOHN and DETECTIVE exit; SHELLY enters.]

SHELLY: I made a sale!

RICKY: You did? That’s great!

GEORGE: You’re a terrific salesman, Shelly. I’m no good.

RICKY: Don’t talk like that, George.

GEORGE: But it’s the truth!

SONG (Shelly): “Get the Chalk!”

[DAVE enters; GEORGE exits.]

DAVE: I was just talking to the police. I don’t like him. He’s a poopyhead.

RICKY: Shelly made a sale!

SHELLY: A great sale!

DAVE: Now I don’t like you.

SHELLY: Let me tell you all about my sale.

DAVE: No, thank you.

SONG (Dave): “I’m Goin’ to Wisconsin”

[DAVE exits.]

RICKY: Tell me about your sale, Shelly.

SONG (Shelly): “The Ballad of Bruce & Harriet”

[JIM enters.]

JIM: Richard, I need to talk to you.

RICKY: Jim, I can’t talk now. I have to catch a plane.

JIM: My wife says I’m not allowed to buy land in Florida.

RICKY: Wives can be funny that way!

SONG (Ricky & Jim): “You’ve Got Three Days (to Cancel)”

[GEORGE enters.]

GEORGE: I didn’t rob the office!

JOHN: Go to lunch!

[GEORGE exits.]

JIM: What happened here?

JOHN: We had a slight burglary. They didn’t get your contract.

JIM: You cashed my check?

JOHN: Yes!

JIM: Oh, no!

[JIM exits.]

SONG (Ricky): “You Stupid Fucking Cunt”

[RICKY exits.]

SHELLY: He’s right, John. You shouldn’t lie unless you know it will help.

JOHN: How do you know I lied?

SHELLY: What do you mean?

JOHN: Usually, I take the contracts to the bank. Last night I didn’t. How did you know that? One night in a year I left a contract on my desk. Nobody knew that but you. Now how did you know that?

SONG (John): “Do You Have an Alibi?”

SHELLY: Can I bribe you?

JOHN: Do you have money now?

SHELLY: I sold the good leads!

JOHN: You’re going to jail!

FINALE (Ensemble): “Always Be Closing”


