I Want You to Buy My Book


Matthew David Brozik
How Pants Work



A wise person or computer program once said, People don’t know what you want them to do. You have to tell them. This made me think.

Over the years, I’ve suggested, implied, hinted, and even intimated that it would be nice, and it would make me happy, if people would buy and review my books. Maybe I haven’t been direct enough, though. So I’m going to spell it out for everyone here and now:

I wrote a book.

It is titled The Vowels of the Earth.

It is a novel. I wrote it because I had a fun story to tell.

I submitted Vowels to a publisher. That publisher, Humorist Books, has published my book. Humorist Books did this because they, and I, want to sell copies of the book. Also — and this is no less important — because we want people to read and enjoy reading the book.

Now that VOWELS is available to purchase…

And just to be sure there is no confusion about what I want, what I am asking you to do:

“You” means you, the person reading these words. In case you think that “you” means someone else, it does not. It means you.

“Buy,” furthermore, means “order a paperback copy from Amazon and pay the price of $12.99 in United States Dollars (or the equivalent in the legal tender of your country of residence).”

“My book” refers to the The Vowels of the Earth, a novel about a one-eyed professor who invents a new letter of the alphabet.

“Review” means to post your opinion — presumably positive — of my book and recommendation that others buy my book. (That said, if you do not feel that you can do this in good conscience, you are excused.)

When I tell you, “I want you to buy (and review) my book,” I do not mean any of the following:

  • I want you to come to my home, take a book of your choice from one of the many bookcases here, and leave money on my night table;
  • I want you to add The Vowels of the Earth to your Amazon wishlist named “Brozik’s books for later”; or
  • I don’t want you to buy my book. This is the exact opposite of what I want you to do.


Quiero que compres mi libro.

Je veux que tu achètes mon livre.

Voglio che tu compri il mio libro.

Ich möchte, dass Sie mein Buch kaufen.

Jeg vil have dig til at købe min bog.

Librum meum emere volo.

איך וויל אז דו זאלסט קויפן מיין בוך.

Tha mi airson gun ceannaich thu mo leabhar.

This is what the cover of the book looks like:

If this is not the cover image you see on your screen when you are adding an item to your cart on Amazon, then you are not buying my book. Please try again. I want you to buy my book.

Finally, to make things as easy and foolproof as possible for you, I offer these links:

Click here to buy my book.

Click here to review my book on Amazon.

Click here to review my book on Goodreads.

Thank you. So much.

