Nine Riddles Starring Child Actress Linda Blair

(“The Exorcist” is a 1973 American supernatural horror film.)

Matthew David Brozik
How Pants Work


Linda Blair as Regan MacNeil in the The Exorcist (1973).

What is Linda Blair’s favorite piece of fitness equipment?

The Exorcycle.

What did Linda Blair hope for when her mother told her that there would soon be a new baby in the family?

An Exorsister.

Where does Linda Blair keep the rainwater that she collects?

In an Exorcistern.

What attraction did Linda Blair enjoy visiting most on her trip to Europe?

The Exorsistine Chapel.

In general, what did Linda Blair enjoy most about her trip to Europe?

Turning heads.

What was Linda Blair’s favorite part of building rockets at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena?

Projectile grommetting.

To what position with NASA was Linda Blair promoted?

Exorsystems Analyst.

What did Linda Blair take as her rapping/producing name between June 2001 and August 2005?

“P. Soup.”

Where does Linda Blair keep her Oscar® statuette for her work in “The Exorcist”?

The 1973 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress went to Tatum O’Neal.

