NOW AVAILABLE: “Spelled Wrong”

The comic supernatural murder mystery you’ve been waiting for!

How Pants Work
How Pants Work
3 min readJul 5, 2020


This is the title.

Loyal Readers & Enjoyers of How Pants Work,

It seems like just recently that one of our founding contributing editors published a novel and we had the pleasure to tell you about it, doesn’t it?

Well, you’ll never guess what.

Founding contributing editor Matthew David Brozik has just published a novel… and it’s our pleasure to tell you about it! It’s called Spelled Wrong and you can buy it today. Now. Right now, even.

This is more or less what the book looks like.

Spelled Wrong is a comic supernatural murder mystery that follows Nathan Spector, a part-time forensic etymologist with the government. Most of the time, he has little work to do. Mainly, he fields questions from agents working on crossword puzzles.

On a whim, Nathan consults an aspiring witch named Jessamyn about obtaining a certain cosmetic enchantment, even though Nathan (like most government employees) doubts that there really are any witches. But he has his eyes opened, and not just because the witch is beautiful and often undressed.

When an aide to a senator is found dead for apparently no reason at all, Nathan alone realizes that something supernatural is afoot. Feeling guilty after inadvertently betraying the wizardly community in his official capacity, Nathan decides to look deeper into the crime, unofficially, enlisting the aid of his new witch friend to solve the mystery quietly.

With Jessamyn’s help, Nathan discovers who murdered the aide and why… or so Nathan thinks. In fact, only later does he (mostly) accidentally discover the truth. Nathan doesn’t know whom to trust, and he can tell almost no one what he’s learned. Ultimately, Nathan puts all the pieces in their places, but only to leave himself stuck in a place from which he might not escape.

“Murder. Mayhem. Magic?! Matthew David Brozik has done it again, conjuring a crime novel that zips and zooms like a witch on a broom. As an added delight, it’s jam-packed with witty wordplay and mouth-watering etymological morsels — a must-read for language nerds, mystery fans, and supernatural beings of all kinds.” — Bizzy Coy

Tomorrow morning, we’re going to post the first chapter of Spelled Wrong in its entirety. Don’t want to wait? You can get the eBook right now and read the whole thing tonight. Or order the paperback and you get not just a great story but also something to hold down papers on your desk!

Here’s the link you need:


– The How Pants Workers

p.s.: While you’re buying books at Amazon, don’t forget about Great Men of Science!

