Off the Cuff

Well, it’s come to this.

How Pants Work
How Pants Work
1 min readJan 19, 2021


We thought we were going to be changing our editorship for the new year, but instead we’re going to be closing How Pants Work to outside submissions indefinitely.

You probably don’t know this, but we started HPW as an outlet for the output of the original editors, only opening to submissions when we realized that that wasn’t very sporting. But then we learned that being gatekeepers is kind of not fun at all, what with the necessary rejections and the scheduling of posts and the day jobs and the small children. So, at least for the time being, we’re going back to a closed kind of arrangement. We’ll be leaving up everything already published. New pieces will appear sporadically and likely not that often. By all means, please stay subscribed… and you might be amused when you least expect it.

Thanks for reading. Thank you for submitting.

