Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Marylynn Mattice
How to be Intelligent: Emotionally
2 min readSep 25, 2017

Daniel Goleman is one of the most famous researchers of emotional intelligence. He wrote a book titled “Emotional Intelliegnce,” many companies have taken the information from his book and made handbooks to give to employees. These companies hoped that by giving out the handbooks employees would excel in the workplace. I have taken a look into one of these handbooks and will be sharing the secrets of success with you.

According to the handbook, there are five domains of Goleman’s EQ model. These five domains are the stepping stones for applying emotional intelligence in the workplace. Within the five domains there are four categories that they are placed within.

Self-Awareness: 1) know your emotions + Self Management: 2) manage your emotions 3)motivate yourself + Social Awareness: 4) recognize and understand other people’s emotions + Relationship Management: manage relationships (others’ emotions)

It is important to understand what the four categories mean in order to fully comprehend the five domains and use the steps correctly for optimal success in the workplace. Self-awareness means that you understand how you feel and can accurately assess your own emotional state. Self management means that you fully understand and can control your own emotions. You should also be able to self motivate and push yourself to be the best version of you possible. Social awareness involves expanding your awareness to include the emotions of those around you. You must be able to empathize with others and understand how the business you work for impacts them. All together social awareness gives you the ability to read and understand the emotional environment around you. Relationship management is the ability to create and maintain positive relationships with co-workers, bosses, and personal friends.

Throughout all of these steps you are simultaneously learning how to recognize emotion, understand those emotions, regulate emotions, and use these emotions to your advantage once that has all processes.

