The Importance of Being Emotionally Intelligent

Marylynn Mattice
How to be Intelligent: Emotionally
2 min readSep 22, 2017

Throughout this blog post I will be defining emotional intelligence and explaining why it is important to you and me.

I’d like to start off this post by giving you a little background about me. I am a sophomore in college majoring in business with a concentration in marketing. In my management class we are doing an exercise on “soft skills,” these are skills that are generally not taught in a traditional classroom; but are just as important as any other skill in a workplace. Emotional intelligence is one of these skills.

By definition, emotional intelligence is the capability to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relations judiciously and empathetically. In my own words, it is being able to understand yourself and others. Understanding is not the only part of emotional intelligence, it is also important to be able to utilize this understanding for the benefit of the community.

Knowing what emotional intelligence is, is the first step in being able to develop it as a soft skill. Emotional Intelligence as a soft skill can be utilized in almost every personal and/or professional situation. It is important to know this because having emotional intelligence will give you an edge over others who do not understand what it is. In a personal situation emotional intelligence will allow you to better understand and get along with friends, family, and your significant other. In a work environment emotional intelligence is important because it will help you to get along with co-workers and develop strong relationships with not only them, but also your boss. Being in control of and understanding your own emotions will also help boost your own productivity.I hope that by reading this post you now know and understand emotional intelligence and why it is important. Not only in your personal life, but also in a work environment.

Stay tuned for more information about emotional intelligence to come.

