Evolution of a Landing Page

Link Texting
How to Build Killer Products
1 min readDec 24, 2014

tldr: In 9 weeks, we redid our landing page 3 times.

As a guideline we used:

With each iteration of our landing page, the number of GoodUI standards that we meet, increased by 10–15% roughly. The customer feedback and frequently asked questions helped guide the new redesign of the landing page.

Random Tool Tip: One of our favorite tools for keeping track of leaders in SAAS to watch how they make their landing page experiences better, I use http://visualping.io/.

We’ll be sure to share metrics of the following redesigns once 3 weeks pass.

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions, feel free to message us support@linktexting or @linktexting.

Our first landing page is laughably simple. We used Populr.me to prototype it.
The 2nd iteration was tougher especially figuring out exactly how to price LinkTexting.
The third page came after about 60 hours of interacting with 350 users.

