Don’t forget about your health. Your Process Health

Pavel Averin
How to build products and teams
3 min readApr 23, 2018


Let’s talk about health. But not about your physical health — your process health.

Didn’t you know that each process has it’s own health? Have you noticed that sometimes you have some process or flow but you don’t get the result you want?

Maybe your process is sick?

If you feel that something is wrong with it, you don’t have to go to the doctor. You need to change your process lifestyle so it will live longer and happier life.

Eat healthy. Feed your process with a good quality data

We (people) need to have a well balanced diet with the right amount of carbs, proteins and fats. It’s important for our health to get still water, fresh vegetables and fruits. Our processes are not so different from us.

So why we feed it with a poor input data and wait for the awesome outcome?

  • Pick the right nutrition. Identify which data are vital for your process. If needed, deconstruct it to nutrients (like proteins, carbs and fats) and define which ones bring us the
  • Choose the right portion. You don’t need all the data. You only need the right amount of data to keep the process efficient. Process will chunk if there’s gonna be too much data and it will starve if there is lack of it.
  • Eat often. Each process will require some time to digest the data it got and produce the outcome it was created for. Now you know which portion of data is enough for efficient process cycle. Determine the best time for processing data and stick with the schedule.

Exercise. Make the process move

The good food is not enough to be healthy. We need to move. We need to be active and feel physical pressure from time to time to become faster, better and stronger. As you might guess, the same is with processes.

  • Set the goal. Each runner has her own record she strives to beat on the next marathon. So your process should also has the goal. Without the goal you won’t be motivated enough to get better results. Each process should have the ambitious KPI it aims to achieve. And don’t forget about the timeframe. Each race has it’s date.
  • Train. Now that you have the goal it’s time to work hard to get there. Like runners have their marathon preparation plan, you should have a plan how to get to your goal. If you don’t have one, it’s ok. Experiment! Set the hypothesis, change the process and monitor how the outcome changes. Be consistent and work hard to get to the goal!
  • Ready, steady, go! While you train don’t forget about the main race and the goal you want to achieve. Don’t loose your focus, be prepared for a date you’ve set and show the best possible result!

Sleep well. Give it some time to recover

The third element of a healthy life is a rest. You need to take some time to recover. During the physical activity we destroy our muscles, during the sleep we build them. Like after a marathon your process need to have a good rest to become stronger.

  • Give it some time. After you achieved a major goal and you’re sure that healthy food and exercise worked, take a break. Don’t be too confident after a big win that you can be even better the next day. Give it some time to stabilize and get used to it’s new strength.
  • But not too much. Don’t sleep too much or you wouldn’t notice you get back to the point you started. After you recovered it’s time to set the next big goal and start training!

Hope those advices help you to keep your processes healthy and happy.

Thanks for reading!



Pavel Averin
How to build products and teams

I make things happen with leadership, data and smart processes | manager @netguru | marathon runner, learner, a fan of books/tv shows/movies