Fruits for Diabetes that are Incredibly Beneficial for the Control of Blood Sugar

Emylee Modestino
How To Cure
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2018

Modern lifestyle has greatly affected the overall health of individuals. People have started relying more on medicines than food to stay healthy. Add on are some terrible health problems that are swaying people away from eating what they like.

One such common health condition is Diabetes. Ask a diabetic to know how troublesome their lives have become when everything they eat is looked at with an eye of a doubt. It is a myth that a diabetic is supposed to stay away from everything sweet.

A natural sugar which is found almost in everything you eat is good for you. Also, sugar helps release energy, thus its intake is necessary. Practically you need not control your sugar cravings but eat something that is healthier for you and your health condition.

As a diabetic, you need not abstain from sugars but have more natural sugars that are found in fruits.

Can diabetics eat Fruit?

The most common advice every diabetic gets is to stay away from fruits. Why? It is because the fruits have high sugar content. Yes, fruits have sugar but the sugar present in them is a natural sugar which is far different from the processed ones.

Further, there are many fruits that are known to control blood sugar levels and studies have proven that a regular intake of such fruits can even help evade diabetes. Thus, a diet with a variety of fruits is definitely beneficial for an individual whether they are diabetic or not.

How is fruit sugar different from Processed Sugar?

The sugar found in fruit comes packed with fiber, high water content, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals along with other nutrients that improve health and help fight diseases. On the other hand, a refined sugar found in manufactured foods is the combination of glucose and fructose.

Following are the fruits that can be considered good for diabetics-

  • Fruits with low Glycemic Index
  • Fruits that are Seasonal and Fresh
  • Fruits Rich in Antioxidants

List of the 20 Exceptional Fruits for Diabetic People

People suffering from diabetes do not have to control their urge for fruit consumption anymore. Add some fresh flavors to your diet and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. If you are looking for fruits to eat in diabetes, then you need not go anywhere as given below is the list curated just for you.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are the superfood for diabetics. These have a low Glycemic Index and are known to break glucose into energy, thus considerably reducing the glucose level in the blood.

2. Apples

The saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ holds true for diabetic patients too. Apples are known for their numerous health benefits including a check on blood sugar level. Loaded with antioxidants and fiber, the fruit helps to improve digestion.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi is another great choice for people suffering from diabetes. Further, an average size kiwi has 56 calories and only 13 carbs. Low carbs in fruit make it a good choice for those who are working towards weight loss.

4. Starfruit

The star-shaped fruit has a high nutritive value and thus is counted among the top fruits for diabetics. Starfruit is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C and helps to improve the overall immunity. Adding to it is the presence of potassium in a high quantity that regulates the proper circulation of the blood.

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranate work wonders for people suffering from diabetes. It is packed with antioxidants that help to lower the bad cholesterol production in the body and reduces the body’s resistance against the production of insulin.

6. Figs

With their high dietary fiber content, a rich concentration of antioxidants, minerals, and iron, figs definitely serve as an excellent fruit for patients suffering from diabetes.

7. Peaches

Peaches are great for diabetics as they have a low glycemic index. This wondrous fruit is a must in your diet for its numerous benefits. It contains a high amount of fiber that helps in maintaining the blood sugar level.

If you are diabetic, then add fruits to your diet rather than avoiding them to improve your health and control the sugar level. Fruits can do wonders for your body.

Also read 13 best fruits for diabetes

