Superstar Herbs and Foods for Healthy Kidneys

Emylee Modestino
How To Cure
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

The human body is endowed with a great body mechanism with specific organs dedicated to performing particular functions. If you wish to enjoy a long and healthy life, you have to take care of the vital organs in the first place. One such important organ in the human body is the kidney.

Kidney and its role

Maintain water content in the body.

Regulate the mineral content in the body.

Remove waste from the body.

Production of hormones.

How to flush Kidneys?

As kidneys carry out the excretion process, it is possible that toxic substances stick to them hampering their function. Such genetic disposition can lead to malfunctioning of kidneys thus affecting our overall health. Thus, to ensure that kidneys function properly at their optimal level, it is must to cleanse them from all the toxins regularly.

Here are few herbs and foods to maintain kidney health

1. Goldenrod

Extensively used by Native American tribes to maintain the health of their urinary tract, Goldenrod helps in detoxifying the kidneys. Researchers have proven that Goldenrod has a positive effect on the urinary tract.

2. Horsetail

Horsetail is a powerful food for your kidney health. You can consume it as tea or a capsule supplement. The weed has diuretic properties which means it helps in increasing urine output and flushes the kidneys and urinary tract.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is known for its numerous health benefits and one such benefit is keeping your kidneys hale and hearty. Due to its high nutritive value, anti-inflammatory, astringent and a diuretic compound it prevent many diseases related to kidneys including the formation of kidney stones.

4. Hydrangea Root

Hydrangea root acts as a solvent that helps smoothen rough edges of kidney stones. It also is known to prevent the formation of kidney stones by ensuring proper usage of calcium that causes stone formation in the body.

5. Rehmannia

A widely known herb in China, Rehmannia has been extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to fight numerous kidney troubles. A study shows that it has an excellent protective properties in case of renal failure.

Click on the link to read 10 awesome Home remedies to maintain healthy kidneys.

