The global economy as of today presents a wide variety of opportunities for individuals with different skill sets, such that irrespective of what an individual has to offer, there is just a right place in particular that it could fit it in perfectly. The work environment varies too by the day and based on what an employer of labour might be looking out for, there are classifications. As productivity level rises, consumer and customer demands are equally on the rise and so are the expectations of an employer of labour for his firm; a highly flexible and organized, high intensity work environment, naturally his requirements will be; an independent self-starter, with a reasonably high level of attention to detail. An individual with a huge potential for mental and intellectual growth. This is mostly the answer. Now, in this type of work environment where the employer of labour seeks to get the very best of results by all means from the employees working in his firm, an employee must understand the place of input, right attitude to work and sole contributions made to the firm.

Every firm has core values, standards or principles that they stand by, which could be any of these: Efficiency, Consistency, Reliability, Integrity, Discipline, Dependability, Loyalty, Justice etc. While Individual core values could be: Selflessness, Bravery, Self-Confidence, Responsibility, Contentment, Discipline, Faithfulness, Patience, Kindness, Tolerance, Forgiveness etc. Value can also mean one’s contribution or cost. According to Vikram Karve, Values are of two types; Instrumental and Terminal both on personal and organizational notes, he says; Instrumental values are core values, permanent in nature, comprising personal characteristics and character traits which may refer to preferable modes of behaviour and includes: honesty, sincerity, ambition, independence, obedience, imaginativeness, courageousness, competitiveness and some negative traits too. Organizations also have Instrumental Values ascertained from the organizational culture, they are permanent in nature and difficult to change. While Terminal Values signify the objectives of the life of a person — the ultimate things an individual want to achieve through their behaviour or the destination one wants to reach in life, unlike Instrumental Values which indicate the methods an individual would like to adopt for achieving his life’s aim or the path with which he would like to take to reach his destination. Vikram Karve also adds that in our personal lives, Terminal Values are those things that we can work towards or we think are most important and we feel are most desirable to the state of our existence, they may include things like happiness, self-respect, family security, recognition, freedom, inner harmony, comfortable life, professional excellence, etc.

In a highly flexible and organized, high intensity work environment where expectations are high an employee ought to deliver input that is substantial, the cost of which is value. As a starter, you can best deliver value by making your personality an exhibit of your personal core values, as our values help us build and maintain our identity as unique individuals, it is important to note that these would foster your growth within the high intensity work environment, also putting in mind that you would be required to work more hours than your pay [Kathryn Ullrich] requires you to and you have to be equally efficient at what you do. Fore mostly you ought to Educate yourself about your employer and the field of work you are being employed for, so as to ensure that your work is done accurately in as much as you are expected to perform tasks quickly and that you do not displease your employer, you should know your role and that of your co-workers as well as what it duly entails before you get on with it, you should think ahead and always prepare yourself well for the day to avoid slip ups and making silly mistakes and you should know your co-workers professionally as a good team player and lastly you must cultivate an habit of multitasking for handling several responsibilities on the job without compromising while remaining focused on the job. The following are personal core value exhibits that can help you as a starter in a fast-paced work environment:

Integrity: The state of being unimpaired and wholesome, completely and purely adhering to a steadfast moral code of dependability, commitment, honesty, reliability, decency, consistency, justice, truthfulness, responsibility and sincerity goes a long way in setting you up for good as a starter in a fast-paced work environment.

Wisdom: Exhibiting discretional use of knowledge in an insightful way based on the combination of knowledge, experience and intuitive understanding as well as the ability to make decisions is relevant for a starter in delivering value within the sphere of a fast-paced work environment.

Respect: Exhibiting an attitude of high regard, esteem, honour, appreciation and admiration is equally important for a starter who will deliver value in a fast-paced work environment.

Delight: Exhibiting a character of joy and pleasure at all times irrespective of what personal problems or issues you might have going on in your life will help too.

Peace: Exhibiting tranquility, harmony and absence of violence will help foster good relations among your co-workers in a fast-paced environment.

However, there is also the place of resourcefulness, self-determination, persistence and achievements in delivering value as a starter too, in fact the list is endless.

According to books I have read and collectively sampled opinions asides mine given earlier on here are a few pointers on how to deliver value in a fast-paced work environment:

  • Stay committed.
  • Focus on the job.
  • Grow your value.
  • Be relentlessly efficient.
  • Invest in your greatest assets.
  • Adapt constantly and quickly.

In summary, delivering value in a fast-paced work environment would first and fore mostly provide you with the right motivation to helping you work effectively, hereby supporting your mental and intellectual growth and development, it would then help you to make better decisions, ideal contributions, increasing your joy and happiness in what you do, reducing stress, finding environments and people that support your aspirations as well as helping you in times of conflict and confusion. Hence, these values become a clear set of guidelines for your actions and the foundational stepping stone to the peak of your career as an individual within a fast-paced work environment.

This work is completely based on collectively sampled opinions I noted from books and articles I have read as well as thoughts from myself. Thanks for reading.

