Tips for Managing Time as a Music Student

Matt Fiddler
How to Do True Blue
4 min readDec 8, 2017

While at college, there are a lot of ways that managing time can be stressful and hectic. One of the busiest and most hectic majors is a music major. Whether its education, performance, industry or anything related to music, it is extremely busy and stressful to try and succeed as a music student.

There are many things that college students struggle with while working in college. One if the most challenging majors in college in music. There are many difficult steps to truly being successful as a music major and here are a few of them.

1. Make Time to Practice

One of the most important things to do as a music major is to make sure you have time every day to practice. Occasionally taking a day off from practicing isn’t bad as long as you are prepared but typically, there is always something that can be worked on and performed at a higher level. Even though you will most likely have private lessons and multiple ensemble rehearsals in one day, you still need time to practice individually as well. Typically, this time for practicing will come late in the day, around 10:00 PM or later because school work is just as important. Practice rooms will normally be open 24/7 for you to get in as well so at any point you can go and practice if you have free time

2. Allow Time for Homework

Even though you’ll find yourself extremely busy trying to do a lot of things, you have to make sure you save a chunk of time during the day for homework or classwork. Maybe sit and do the work before going to practice so that way your mind will be clear while you’re trying to practice and learn the music. Join study groups so that not all of the work is something that you have to do alone. This will relieve some pressure on you as well with having other people help you with some of the work.

3. Ask for Help When Needed

Don’t be afraid to ask people for help. A music major’s schedule is typically extremely busy and very overwhelming. Throughout the entire time while studying this major, you will constantly be trying to figure out the correct balance between free time, studying, and practicing. Sometimes you just can’t do it all on your own. Ask your friends. They’re most likely in the same situation and you will benefit the both of you by talking things out and figuring out a plan. Even if you have to talk to your teachers and maybe as for some help reviewing something or maybe you need more time on an assignment. They will be more understanding then you think and will maybe help you figure out a schedule as well.

4. Free Time is Just as Important

With all the work that you will have, you might feel like you have no time to yourself.With work comes stress. Free time is needed for you to truly be successful and to be functioning at a higher level. Without this free time, you will constantly be stressed and worried about something. Allow time to relax, watch TV, read a book, maybe play video games. But most importantly, be social. At points during your time, you will definitely feel lonely and isolated because the music school is completely separated from the college itself most of the time. Going to activities put on by the university may be slightly more difficult but it is just as important as going to events put on by the music school as well.

5. Be Social as much as Possible

One thing that always helps to make college life better is getting to know other people and making friends. Once you figure out who has a similar schedule of classes, you can figure out who to spend you’re time with. This will also give you some people to go out to events and do things with. You both will hopefully have similar schedules so that you both will have free time around the same time. This will allow for similar times to study together, practice together, and just hang out to relieve some stress as well.

