An image of the earth and its continents geography at night.

50 Geography Fun Facts (Unknown Amazing Facts)

Discover amazing facts about earth, continents, countries, mountains & special locations. Educate yourself and have fun!

Crowds Trivia
How To Get Smarter?
15 min readJan 5, 2021


Geography is an essential scientific field dedicated to the inhabitants, phenomena of planets and earth, inhabitants, and features of the land. It is a necessary discipline to understand natural and human complexities on the earth.

Oh, if you love geography, you can also play some great Geography trivia quiz games.

To explain numerous things about this earth, we have compiled a list of 50 Geography fun facts. Read them to understand two crucial branches of geography, such as physical geography and human geography.

Animated world map

Human geography means the study of humans and their cultures, communities, interactions, and economies. Moreover, you can understand their relationship with the environment. Physical geography means evaluating patterns and procedures in the natural environment, such as the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

To absorb maximum information without any boredom, here are some funny, fun facts about geography.

Interesting geography facts

To increase your interest, here are some real but crazy and astonishing geography fun facts. These will help you to increase your knowledge.

1. The Amazing Location of Africa

Africa is situated in all four hemispheres, such as the southern, the northern, the eastern, and the western. You will not find any other country in all the hemispheres. It is in a central location; therefore, it is the only mainland on the equator and prime meridian.

Geography fun fact about the location of Africa.

2. Landlocked Countries

In the world, three countries are entirely surrounded by countrysides like San Marino, The Vatican, and Lesotho. South African border landlocked Lesotho and Italy surrounds Vatican City and San Marino.

Geography fun fact about Landlocked Countries.

3. Alaska is the Easternmost and Westernmost State

Alaska is geographically placed as the northernmost and westernmost state in the USA, making sense if you check the map. Surprisingly, the state successfully manages its position in the easternmost state also. Some zones of Alaska are west, and the state stretches in an eastern hemisphere. At the bottom and top of the world, longitude lines congregate. Alaska, Pochoni Point, has an easternmost longitude of in a country.

Geography fun fact about Alaska is the Easternmost and Westernmost State.

4. National Anthem of Greece

The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. Dionysios Solomos wrote this anthem in 1823. Undauntedly, national anthem is essential for every country. Several national anthems are hymns or marches in style. You will be surprised to know that hardly any Greek has sung this anthem by heart.

Geography fun fact about the National Anthem of Greece

5. No Rivers in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia does not have lakes, rivers, and areas abundant with natural vegetation because of no rainfall. People of Saudi Arabia use desalination plants and oases to get sufficient water. Surprisingly, Saudi Arabia is surviving without any significant and natural source of water. National efforts brought changes to the deserts of Saudi Arabia and create more demands for resources of water. The best example is the intense greenery in different regions. This greenery is not created by nature.

Geography fun fact about (No) Rivers in Saudi Arabia

6. Å is a Short Name of a Place

It is the shortest name of a place around the globe. You can find villages of this name in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian languages, the meaning of “Å” is a river. Any Municipality (Nordland County) has a village known as “Å.” The village is on the Andoya East Coast Island.

7. Los Angeles West

Nevada and Reno are Los Angeles west. You may not find this fact even while looking at your map. Reno is in Nevada, almost 300 miles away from the ocean. It is almost 86 miles beyond west as compared to Los Angeles coastal city.

8. Vatican: Smallest Area

The Vatican has the smallest area, such as 5 square kilometers or 2 square miles. The large city area is 263,953 square kilometers or 101,912 square miles. It is Hulunbuir in Inner Mongolia, northeastern China.

Weird and Strange Geography Fun Facts

Keep on reading for more great geography fun facts or visit for the daily geography quiz of the day (updated daily).

9. Maine is Not Too Far

London is an almost 300 miles small Maine north community. Estcourt station is farther than Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam in the south.

10. Plenty of Lakes in Canada

Canada is the second country in the globe with numerous lakes. It can be shocking for you that Canada has over half of the beautiful natural lakes worldwide. Almost 9 percent of the land of this country has fresh water.

11. Surprising Facts about Texas

As compared to the dense population of New York City, the population would cover only 250,404 square miles. It means the world could adjust the whole world in Texas. For comparison, if population density is similar to Houston, Texas, it might cover only 1,769,085 square miles. Hypothetically, it would fit more than 7 billion individuals in a regional half in the size of the USA. Undoubtedly, this fact is impressive.

12. Water Around Australia

Australia is bordered by water, but it does not have the longest coastline in the world. It is its own continent and surrounded entirely by water. For this reason, it will be surprised that it does not have the longest coastline in the world.

13. Canada’s Coastline Is Huge

As compared to 16,000 miles of Australia, the coastline of Canada is 152,100 miles. It is one of the weird fun facts that Australia has the seventh number on the ranking list. Australia is behind Japan, the Philippines, Russia, Greenland, and Indonesia in the list of longest coastlines worldwide.

14. Mount Everest Is Not Closer To Space

Planet earth is inflated slightly around the equator. For this reason, Kenya and Ecuador have an edge. The additional elevation of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is 20,564 feet tall, and it is nearby to stars.

15. Fresh Water is Available in Antarctica

You will find fresh water in Antarctica because it is home to the freshwater of the earth. At 5,400,00 square miles (14 million square kilometers), the Antarctic ice sheet is the solid mass of ice on this planet. The enormous frozen structure has almost 90% of fresh water on this earth.

16. Russia and China Bordered By 14 Different Countries

China is over half of Russia, the biggest country on the earth; they have a similar number of neighboring land. It will be interesting to know that China has a border of 14 countries. These countries are Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

17. New York Drifts Away

It is an exciting fact that New York drifts away almost 2.5 cm or 1 inch every year from London. The country is drifting because of tectonic plates. Remember, tectonic plates are the uppermost mantle and crust of the earth. These are almost 62 mi or100 km thick and have two principal materials, such as continental crust and oceanic crust.

18. African Dust Can Reach Florida

African dust can reach Florida because it is moving toward Panhandle, Florida. In half a century, skies on the Caribbean have filled with a layer of dust, such as thick SAL (Saharan Air Layer). It is marching consistently in West Africa from massive dust storms.

19. Height of Himalayas are Increasing

The height of the Himalayas is increasing each year to 1.5 cm or 0.6 inches. It is easy to understand its reason with continental drift theory. Remember, height is changing because of the movement in tectonic plates. Undoubtedly, countervailing earth forces are bringing stability.

Amazing and Beautiful Geography Facts

20. Beautiful Coral Reef In Australia

Other than Kangaroos, Australia is famous for a heart-shaped coral reef. The heart reef is a popular site of the Great Barrier Reef. Due to its protected status, people are not allowed to drive or snorkel there. It is near the romantic Whitsunday islands.

21. Single Caribbean Country with a Railway

Cuba is a single Caribbean country with one railway. It is the only country with an active railway. This railway is used for both passengers and freight. The name of this railway is The Ferrocarriles Nacionales. It operates a 4,226 kilometers network across Cuban Island.

22. Mexico Has the Biggest Pyramid

Egypt is famous for its beautiful pyramids, but you will be surprised to know that Mexico has the most giant pyramid. This pyramid is known as Cholula and is covered in green grass. The pyramid has another name Tlachihualtepetl. It is the largest pyramid in terms of volume and archaeological site.

23. Black Gondolas of Venice, Italy

In Venice, every gondola should be black until it is an official and high-ranked property. Black is a traditional color. Therefore, each gondola must be black. This color is prolonged to the whole craft.

24. St. Lawrence Iroquoian Word for Canada (Kanata)

It is one of the strange but facts that Canada (name) comes from St. Lawrence Iroquoian words, such as Canada or Kanata, which means settlement or village. The name refers to a topographical area where inhabitants share cultural traits, such as language.

25. True Fact about Trans-Siberian Railway

In Russian, the Trans-Siberian railway crosses almost 3901 bridges throughout its way. This Russian road is one of the longest routes in the world, passing over 16 huge rivers, eighty cities, and numerous small towns.

26. Philippines Archipelago

The archipelago has almost 7,500 islands and 175 languages. It is the second-largest archipelago in the world. Remember, 2000 of these islands are inhabited, and 5,000 are unnamed. The country is famous for exporting and producing maximum coconuts.

27. Northern Hemisphere Has 90% Of The World’s Population

The northern hemisphere has 90% population of the earth. It is one of the mind-blowing fun facts. This hemisphere has extra pollution and land. Water is less than in the Southern Hemisphere.

28. Agreement Between France and Monaco

You will be very surprised to learn that there was an agreement between France and Monaco to lose their independence if the territory does not have any male heir. They were following this agreement until 2002.

True and Unbelievable fun facts about world geography

29. Do not Fly Over Taj Mahal.

It is completely forbidden to fly over the Taj Mahal. There is no official no-fly region on this ivory mausoleum. Planes cannot fly over the Taj Mahal for security reasons and risks to white marble. Pollution of the aircraft can affect the white marble of this building.

30. Mexico City is Sinking

Mexico City is sinking almost 4 to 6 inches per year because of its construction over one lake. During the last 60 years, the city has sunk almost 10 m or 32 feet. The population of this city is exploding, and the water demand is increasing quickly. The aquifer under the city is increasing the danger of collapse.

31. First City with 1 Million Inhabitants

Rome was the first city to reach one million inhabitants in 133 BC. London and New York had reached this line in 1810 and 1875, respectively. Nowadays, there are over 300 cities around the world with over a million inhabitants.

32. Amman and Philadelphia

Jordan capital, “Amman,” is famous with the name of Philadelphia. During the Iron age, the city was named Ammon (home kingdom of Ammonites). During the Roman and Greek periods, it was named Philadelphia. It was known as Amman during the Islamic period.

33. An Island That Change Ownership Every 6 Months

Pheasant Island changes countries every six months. The island is situated in the Bidassoa River, and France and Spain own it. It remains under Spanish rule for the six months of a year, and the remaining six months, it is under French regulation.

34. Bhutan Had No Phones

In Bhutan, there was no phone until the finale of the 80s. Nowadays, you can find karaoke bars and smartphones in the capital.

35. Snowing in the Sahara Desert

The Sahara desert is known as the largest hot desert on the earth around the world in Africa. On 18 February 1979, the desert was snowing. It is an extraordinary fact that the low latitude zones of this desert recorded the first snowfall. Snow fell for almost half-hour in Southern Algeria. There was a snowstorm to stop traffic.

36. A Dead Sea Version in Canada

In the list of mind-blowing funny facts, it is essential to mention a Dead Sea version of Canada. The Dead Sea means water where you cannot sink. The concentration of salt makes this sea dense as compared to freshwater. If you are in Canada, you can see a dead sea, such as Saskatchewan Little Manitou Lake. Remember, underground springs feed this lake, and its mineral salt content is 180,000 mg/liter. For this reason, this Dead Sea is extremely buoyant.

37. Canada is a Fresh Water Sources

Canada is famous for its freshwater sources because it has millions of rivers and lakes. Gulf and Estuary of St. Lawrence is the deepest and largest estuary. The water comes from Laurentian Lakes. These are interconnected lakes of fresh water in the North American region.

38. Zip Codes for the Building of New York

More than 40 buildings in New York City have their specific zip codes. Manhattan is a densely populated area among five boroughs, and it has more than 200 zip codes. A few skyscrapers are large enough for their zip code. Some famous examples are MetLife, Chrysler, and Empire State buildings.

Cool Fun Facts about the World

Here are some crazy weird fun facts that everyone should know. These can change your way of thinking about this world.

39. Longest USA Coastline for California or Florida

People are confused between California and Florida for the longest coastlines. In fact, Alaska is famous as a national coastline champ. The coast spans almost 10,686 km or 6,640 miles in total.

40. Taller Mountain than Mount Everest

At 8,848 meters or 29,028 feet, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world above sea level. It is one of the weird, interesting facts that the tallest mountains in the U.S. Mauna Kea of Hawaii are more than 32,000 feet, and it is measured from the seafloor. It reaches 13,798 feet above the level of the sea. The remaining base is under sea level. This mountain does not get similar hype to the Himalayas.

41. Walking Distance Between the U.S. to Russia

Brave travelers can walk over frozen water in winter and cross a distance of 2.4 miles between these islands. You can travel at your own risk because this journey is possible theoretically. It is not recommended and dangerous for everyone.

42. No Shared Border with other USA State

Alaska and Hawaii are two states of the United States without any shared border with other states of the U.S. Moreover, two different states share their borders with eight states. Missouri is bordered by Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Moreover, Tennessee shares borders with Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky.

43. The U.S. Has a Segment of Africa

is a supercontinent that was broken apart long ago from seven other continents. It is one of the bizarre facts that geologists discovered an African chunk stuck in North America. The segment is located nearby Alabama.

44. Coffee Grows in Only One U.S. State

Most of the beans come from overseas. Coffee beans grow only in Hawaii. It is one of the hilarious facts that Hawaii is famous for pineapples. These fruits come from Florida and South America. It is the primary pineapple state of the U.S.

45. Do You Know The Original Name of Los Angeles?

Nowadays, L.A. is commonly used for Los Angeles, but actually, it was called El Pueblo de la Reyna de Los Ángeles. The name was shortened eventually.

46. Triply Landlocked

Remember, there is only one state that is triply landlocked, and it is Nebraska. A state will be Triply landlocked if there are 3 states that keep her apart from gulf, bay, and ocean. It will be doubly landlocked if you can travel through two different states to get water bodies.

47. No McDonald in This U.S. State

It is not possible to expect a Mac in Montpelier, Vermont. You have to travel to another town. In the small capital of the U.S., you will not find Golden Arches.

48. An Island in a Lake.. In an Island… In a Lake

Vulcan Point of the Philippines is an island in primary Crater Lake. The lake is situated on Volcano Island, such as Lake Taal. Remember, Lake Taal is located on Luzon Island. It is the most populous and largest island in the Philippines.

49. Football Teams May Play as Opposite Teams in Dissimilar Hemispheres

Zerao is a famous stadium in Brazil, Estadio Milton Correa. Remember, Zerao is a Portuguese word that means “Big Zero.” It is situated on the right equator. Both teams can play a game in two different hemispheres. This stadium is famous for numerous football matches.

50. Touch the Four States at Once

You can touch four different states at once , such as New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona, meet in a religion. It is possible to be in these states at once.

Bonus Fun Fact

These are actually storing 75% of the freshwater. If you want access to freshwater (unfrozen), it will be Russian Lake Baikal. It has 20% of the freshwater in the world.

People recognize deserts with sand and hot weather. No doubt, deserts are dry regions without snow, rain; plants, trees, rain, and water, but cold areas can be deserts. For example, the Antarctic desert is a cold desert with 5,400,000 sq mi.

Originally published at on January 5, 2021.



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