How To Cope-up With Depression ? Is Suicide A Solution ?

Afia Ali Rafique
“How-To” Guide
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2020


Depression ? Maybe all of you are familiar with this term , but to explain it a little bit more explicitly , depression is a temporary mental disorder in which a person experience rapid mood-swings , anger , fear , loneliness , insomnia and other symptoms and in severe cases may lead to DEATH!

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According to a research , every 1 out of 5 person is a victim of this disorder which apparently doesnot shows any signs but eats out the person from inside.

And this depression if left untreated is going to result out in SUICIDE , as it is been going for past years. Here i really want to ask a question , is suicide actually a solution of it ? NO!

There are certain ways to cope-up with this !


A best exercise you could practice out is expressing yourself. If you are afraid of expressing it to people around you than try expressing it by writing or by painting . Just throw out all the silent-storm under you on the piece of paper and this will actually calm you down. Try to talk to yourself in loneliness and tell the inner you what is going on with you and this will be helpful for you.

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A therapist or a physcologist is a best person to talk to and comfort yourself out. A therapist is a person who will not judge you on personal basis but will really try to make you get out of the dark hole.

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Well! I know it is not possible for everyone of you to just take a world tour or go to a summer resort to feel better. What i mean with changing surrounding is , try changing the setting of your room or house. This is actually a really helping thing. Try renovating your house or room to give it a new or different look.

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Many people are being bullied and for that they are depressed. This idea will work for you as well as others too. Just give yourself 15 minutes and look into the mirror. Try brushing your hair , smiling in the mirror , or even speak to yourself. This will make you feel special. This will boost your self-confidence and will make you feel calm and relaxed.

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Try making friend if you feel lonely and is phobic to it. Observe people and stick to those who you feel comfortable with. Do not go after a status-concious or materialistic person instead search for some real gems living around you and make them your friends. And if comfortable talk to them about your problem.

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash


Exactly! this will also help you out. Go for some gym and workouts and they will make you feel better emotionally. These activities are real stress-relievers and will freshen your mind. This will burst out all your rage and stress in form of physical activity which will soothe your mind and can help to relax you.

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This point is just for those whom are drug-addict or some kind of alcoholic. I know people become a drug addict or alcoholic to get themselves relief from depression or the problems they are in but scientifically these things will give you no good instead harm you mentally and emotionally. Once you start avoiding drugs and other things you will probably feel better.

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Finally, if you are dealing with depression do not go for suicide thinking it as the only option left. Read out anf pratice all above 7 points and you will never have to come to the 8 one. Never think that you are useless! God has created you and he loves you more than anyone. Your life is god’s gift to you so do not hurt him by ruining his gift doing suicide.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Hope it is useful for you! if you want anyone to talk to you I am here to listen to you but suicide is not an option.

“There are wounds that never show on the body but are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds” ― Laurell K. Hamilton

