Cleaning Up Lunch: Day 1

Paige Bennett
How To Home
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2014

San Francisco is currently confused with its weather and thinks it’s Austin. I won’t complain. Even though I don’t have an air conditioner and my top floor apartment gets quite toasty in the noonday sun, I am walking down the street in sundresses. I wore SHORTS yesterday. It’s amazing.

I’ve shared how the warm weather has inspired me to freshen up my décor. It’s also inspired me to lighten up my lunches (that and the fact that I’m Hawaii bound in two months and those lovely caprese paninis at my neighborhood coffee shop aren’t really bikini friendly).

So this week, I revamping my lunches and making quick, clean dishes. I started with a Shaved Asparagus Arugula and Spinach Salad with Feta. It was refreshing, delightful and surprisingly filling.

For this dish, you’ll need two teaspoons of olive oil, 6–8 stalks of asparagus, one large tomato, ½ ounce of feta, the juice of one lemon, 2 cups of arugula and spinach (combined) and a teaspoon of minced garlic.

[caption id=”attachment_69" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"]

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The bounty, courtesy of Good Eggs, my favorite local food service.[/caption]

After cutting off the root ends of the asparagus, shave each stalk using a vegetable peeler. In a nonstick skillet, heat the olive oil and garlic on medium heat. After about a minute, add the shaved asparagus, sea salt and a bit of ground pepper. Cook the asparagus for about 3 minutes (they should be crunchy and not soft).

[caption id=”attachment_71" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"]

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I promise you this salad is most refreshing.[/caption]

Transfer the asparagus to a bowl and add the juice of one lemon, arugula and spinach, tomato and feta. How’s that for quick, easy and super simple? If you want to add more substance, I suggest adding a fried egg or salmon.

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Sparkling water with lime is my favorite addition (and the only reason why I have a Sodastream).[/caption]

Tomorrow I’ll be making cauliflower steaks with lentils (because basically cauliflower is the new brussels sprout). If you’re interested in following a similar clean eating program, I highly recommend Buzzfeed’s very well written guide (I know, it’s Buzzfeed but stay with me). It breaks down a two-week clean eating plan into grocery lists, step-by-step instructions and incredibly easy recipes. Join me! Let’s all get ready for sassy swimsuit season.



Paige Bennett
How To Home

Design Research Manager @Dropbox, previously Design Research @medium. Southern gal making a home on the West Coast.