Cleaning up Lunch: Day 4 (Arugula and Mint Salad with Feta, Rosemary Almonds & Lemon Vinaigrette)

Paige Bennett
How To Home
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2014

Friends, my apologies for posting this late. It turns out that this week decided to be crazy in so many different ways. But it’s Friday now and the engineer and I are gearing up for the holiday weekend, which I hope will include copious amounts of wine, bread and cheese. In other words, not very “clean eating” friendly.

But before our weekend of carbs begins, I wanted to share a salad is one that I adore, adore, adore. A few days ago, I posted a shaved asparagus and arugula salad. Using the leftover arugula, I threw together this very refreshing and super easy salad for lunch. It’s perfect for the summer.

Here’s what you will need:

  • 1 cup of arugula & spinach mix
  • 4 mint leaves, chopped or torn
  • 1 beefsteak tomato
  • ¼ cup of rosemary almonds (I used the ones from Trader Joe’s but here’s an easy recipe to make your own)
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ teaspoon of olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon garlic rice wine vinegar (you could also use dijon) mustard for a delicious alternative)
  • Sea Salt
  • Crushed black pepper

Assemble the arugula, mint and chopped tomatoes in a bowl. Using a separate bowl, juice the lemon and add the olive oil, rice wine vinegar and sea salt together. Wisk until it is mixed. Pour over the arugula and tomatoes mixture, adding the rosemary almonds and crushed black pepper to the top. Mix together until the arugula is fully covered with the vinaigrette.

[caption id=”attachment_108" align=”aligncenter” width=”345"]


See that green chair peeking out from under the table? Check out my separate blog post about finding that chair at last year’s Modernica Factory Sale. It was an adventure.[/caption]

There you have it. Easy peasy. For my Southern friends, this would be a delicious salad to add fresh watermelon to.

I promise Day 5 will be up very soon and (sneak peak) it includes my most favorite of all things. Can’t wait to share!



Paige Bennett
How To Home

Design Research Manager @Dropbox, previously Design Research @medium. Southern gal making a home on the West Coast.