JMC Future Opportunities

How To JMC
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020

Very few people know what exactly they want to do when they come to AUBG. I am a sophomore and I am still wondering what I am going to do after I graduate. I came up with the idea of studying journalism because I am a creative soul, and still nothing has changed my mind.

You will hear from many people that if you are studying JMC, you are going to become a writer or a journalist. However, that is just a small part of the opportunities that this major is providing you.

Throughout your AUBG experience, if you decide to major in Journalism and Mass Communication, you don’t only acquire an ability to be a good writer or a communicator. You will learn how to edit, create powerful content, tell stories, and many other skills that are useful not only in the field of Media, but also in PR and Advertising, Marketing and Sales, HR Management, Website development, Content Creation, and Copywriting.

I have talked with many people that graduated AUBG, majoring with JMC, and their inspiring and motivating stories made me stick to my passion to create. Here are two stories from two girls that graduated in 2019 majoring only with Journalism and Mass communication, and how they managed to find a job that satisfies and fulfills their dreams:

Fatme Tsiko — Graphic designer

Fatme is one of the most extroverted people I have met in AUBG. She graduated in May 2019, majoring only with JMC. She took part in many extracurricular activities like participating in five of the AUBG clubs — TedX, AUBG Olympics, Radio Aura, Documentary club and RJC.

After she graduated last year she got the opportunity to work for one of the most well-known advertising companies in Bulgaria — guts&brains DDB, getting the position of Junior Graphic Designer.

A graphic designer, in general, creates content and provides information through art and photos. But for Fatme it is not only that, and AUBG was the place where she understood that this is the thing that she loves and wants to do in future. “This university helped me fully understand my passion for creating visually compelling stories,” she says.

Tsiko explains that to be a graphic designer, it is not enough for you to be just good in creating visuals. She says, “To be a good designer, first you need to know how to tell a story, and that was the most important lesson I learned.” She is thankful to AUBG for all different courses like storytelling, writing and film, for helping her acquire those valuable skills and to pop out among the other workers.

Aleksandra Nikolova — Scheduler

Aleksandra is from Sofia and she also graduated in May 2019, majoring only with JMC. She was also very active during her four years in AUBG, taking part in two AUBG clubs — Radio Aura and Documentary club — and also being a Resident Assistant for two years.

She is currently working at the Walt Disney Company in the Balkan division of the Fox entertainment channels, which include FOX, FOX Life, FOX Crime, and also 24 Kitchen. She explains her position as a scheduler as a basic and fundamental one, but it is also an opportunity to get higher and higher in the company’s hierarchy.

Her responsibility as a scheduler is to take care of the internal advertising of the channel, which means the self-promotion of the programs, and also the timely start of the programs they broadcast.

Aleksandra says that the variety of courses helped her acquire many skills that help her do her job in the best possible way. She explains that AUBG’s JMC major helped her improve skills like communication, team work, not to be afraid to approach people you know nothing about, which look very simple, but in the business you can’t work without having them.

Nikolova says that she will always be thankful to AUBG for being able to understand her passion. She says, “JMC is my only major, because I didn’t find another major that excited me as much, and I decided it’s better to devote more time and effort to the one thing I instantly loved.”


Ivet Petrova is a student in the American University in Bulgaria. She also chose Journalism and Mass Communication to be her only major.

