10 Important Leadership Things To Do Now, Right Now, Start Now, Don’t Even Think About Waiting, What Are You Doing Just Standing Around, Start Doing These Things Now, If You Want Your Life To Be Good You Need To Do These Things Now, And I Mean Right Now, As In This Very Moment, For Fuck’s Sake, Have a Sense of Urgency, Our Time On This Earth Is Limited, Heaven Might Not Be Real, Even If You Believe in God You’ve Likely Considered There Is No Heaven, Because What Even Is Eternity, It’s A Terrifying Void That’s What, An Infinite Space For Finite Consciousness, That’s Crazy, It’s Like, An Abyss Into Which We Dare Not Stare, Lest We Go Insane, Which Means All That We Can Be Certain Of Is The Now, The Right Now, The Right Right Now Now, So Do These 10 Things And Your Future Will Be Good, Only The Future, Wait, I Mean, Sorry, No, I Guess, I Guess I Just Said That The Present Is The Only Certain Thing, Right, Which Means The Future Is Uncertain, So Maybe Don’t Do These Things, And Just Experience The Now, Or, Wait, Well, I Mean, Definitely Do Do Them, But Maybe, Wait What’s My Argument, I’m, I’m Sorry, I Seem To Have Painted Myself Into A Corner With This One, This Usually Doesn’t Happen, You Know What, Let’s Take A Break And Reconvene After The Weekend, I Need To Go For A Long Walk And Think About A Few Things, Tell Rita To Send All My Calls Straight to Voicemail

kelly dickinson
How To Life
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016


