Be Willing to be Different

Break free from the system’s socialization by expressing your gifts

Bryan Ye
How to Live


from the moment we are born society socializes us into people that follow rules to turn us into cogs in a system ever since we enter school we are taught that if we do not fit in then we are losers so we need to learn to strip ourselves of our individuality and become part of the system this may sound horrible but it is not so bad for the people who do fit in but for the others who do not it is a soul crushing reality they live with for at least the first two decades of their lives these people are the weird kids the misfits the square pegs in the round holes after two decades as iconoclasts we celebrate them for their unique gifts amongst these people are steve jobs elon musk richard branson just to name a few

individuality becomes cherished in the later years and we marvel at it as it is unusual and extraordinary you will never be a true maverick without fostering your own gifts so you must be willing to be different you must be willing to stand out in a crowd and be stared at with judgmental eyes in hopes there are a few eyes out there that are staring at you with inspiration and admiration many people talk about how rare each individual is but no one talks about how difficult it is to display those gifts to the world when you do anything out of the ordinary you are challenging a system of people and when that happens you are likely to face at least a few people who hate you so it is much easier to be socialized and submit to the system perhaps that is why only the misfits who grew up to be disagreeable end up creating interesting things perhaps that is a figment of their insanity nevertheless it is amazing and they are the beautiful things in this world

i want to be the change i seek so i have written this without punctuation a crime that only poets are allowed to commit but i have done it regardless it probably makes it harder to read because you have not subscribed to the rules of this freeform chaos but if you read it with an intention to understand you will find that the words still have the same meaning except you have to dictate when you start pause and stop because there is no punctuation to tell you to do it

so an answer to how to live is to be willing to be different there is no fun in following the rules that the world has imposed on us we only get one life and i am sure you do not want your tombstone to say that you were the good kid who cleaned their room and washed the dishes every night because that is not only common but also boring it is our egos desire to want to be a unique snowflake that is why when we are told that we that as a child we are so happy

be willing to be different

