More OnlyFans Features You Might Not Know

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5 min readMay 23, 2022

The OnlyFans content monetization platform offers bloggers many features to increase audience engagement, and thus increase revenue. What are these features, and how to use them right? Find the answer in our guide.

OnlyFans Features

The OnlyFans polls feature

What is the easiest way to create a small talk with subscribers on OnlyFans? The answer is by posting polls. You ask subscribers a question and offer answers, and they answer, and according to these answers, you can segment your audience into small groups.

Posting a poll to your feed lets your followers feel that their opinion matters. They express their opinion about the topic, which can initiate a discussion, both on serious topics and on comic ones. You can even give your followers the illusion that they are influencing your content. For example, invite them to vote on what the next photo shoot should be, or on what video should be shot. A great option for OnlyFans polls is to ask when to stream.

To conduct a survey, start by creating a new post. Click on the button with three dots and select the Polls option. By default, there are two answer options, but you can add as many options as you like. By default, polls are active for 7 days, however you can manually change the duration from 1 day to No Limits.

The OnlyFans Stories feature

OnlyFans Stories feature

The OnlyFans Stories are implemented in the same way as on Instagram. Content creators choose photos or videos, add visual details like captions and stickers. These posts are only available for 24 hours. They are placed above the feed, so the followers easily pay attention to them.

OnlyFans bloggers use Stories to share highlights from everyday life with fans. This is a great way to increase audience engagement without the need for post-processing.

The Only Fans statistics feature

Basically this feature is a OnlyFans analytics by country. The blogger receives traffic data from different countries for the last 24 hours. The OnlyFans statistics show how many guests and users there were. Of all the OnlyFans tools, this is one of the most important as it allows you to create a long-term content strategy.

When you know which countries most of your audience comes from, and also understand how users find your OnlyFans profile, you understand what audiences are interested in and how to increase the number of subscribers. Users tracking on OnlyFans will help you determine when is the best time to post new photos and videos. If you live in Southeast Asia and the majority of your followers live in the US, it makes sense to post content during the daytime in America. To do this, there is the Scheduling feature on OnlyFans.

To check the statistics of OnlyFans profile, open the profile page. Click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots, which are located on the right side of the cover photo. Select Statistics to access the data.

The Congratulate OnlyFans feature

OnlyFans analytics

Among the original OnlyFans features is the automatic distribution of congratulatory messages. This feature provides two benefits. First, at the beginning of the month you will find out who your most loyal 5% of followers are. These OnlyFans metrics can be used to increase loyalty among the other 95% and keep the top 5% of followers.

If you have auto-sending congratulations enabled, you don’t need to do anything. To enable a feature, select the appropriate option in the profile settings. You can also set what exactly the congratulation contains. This can be a DM message or a friendly shoutout.

Missing OnlyFans feature

Some of the necessary solutions are missing from the platform, or they could have been developed more carefully. For example, the OnlyFans search feature doesn’t really work like a search. You will be able to find a specific profile faster through Google.

Another obvious drawback is suggestions. OnlyFans is based on the idea of ​​private blogs that are not meant to be promoted on the platform. So when a content creator creates an OnlyFans account, they also have to maintain extra accounts on popular social media. This is the only way to get followers on OnlyFans unless you are already an influencer with 10k+ followers.

It is interesting to compare OnlyFans with younger advanced alternatives such as TonPlace. The platform provides suggestions, similar to this feature on TikTok. TonPlace vloggers can post NSFW content, for which followers must pay the price of a monthly subscription to view. At the same time, content creators add free videos to their profile. Newly added videos from all content creators appear in the Suggestions section, so bloggers get traffic directly from the platform, just like on popular social networks.

Another inconvenient feature of OnlyFans is actually viewing the content. Subscribers must manually scroll the feed to move from one post to the next. This process is tedious. It reduces audience engagement. TonPlace developers have made content consumption easier. Videos flip right and left, which allows you to watch posts almost without interruption.

Another OnlyFans features:

#OnlyFans analytics
#OnlyFans tracking

