Step-by-step instructions on developing your account on T

Create content
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2021

Making money from social media content can give you the financial freedom you’ve never dreamed of. This article gives all the necessary information on how to develop your account in order to attract the maximum number of subscribers.

In our past articles, we’ve described in detail how to register on FriendsOnly and what you need to do to make your account visually appealing, as well as how to deal with the financial side of things. Now, we are going to discuss the content that you will be posting on your page.

Not having any experience developing accounts on other social networks shouldn’t stop you. Maintaining a profile on FriendsOnly is easier in many ways, especially for novice authors: no need to worry about algorithms or paid promotion. You only need to shoot quality content. Study the steps described, register on FriendsOnly and start uploading your videos.

Step #1. Choose one theme

FriendsOnly differs from other social networks in that authors here make money by posting content. But the rules for developing your account on FriendsOnly are practically the same as on other platforms. The mechanisms for attracting and retaining followers that are used on Instagram are also effective on FriendsOnly.

The key rule for running an account is the consistency of your topics. Posts must differ so that subscribers want to keep following. But the main theme of the account must stay the same. If you run an entertainment channel, don’t try to teach your subscribers how to plan a family budget. If you share professional tips, it might not be a good idea to publish an account of your trip to an exotic (expensive) country.

Remember, most of your subscribers don’t want to know about all aspects of your professional and personal life. They’re interested in the image that they regularly see in the media. The longer you can maintain their interest in this image, the longer you’ll be able to keep your existing followers. This means the more money you can earn by posting your content.

You may not have decided on the theme of your videos yet. Try creating content on different topics for a month, not to publish. You’ll soon realize which type of videos you enjoy shooting for others and which type for personal growth.

Step #2. Create entertaining content

Social networks are like TV. Even if followers come to your account to learn something new, their main desire is to escape from their serious jobs, pressing life tasks, and possibly important relationships. Social networks are our alternative to everyday life. That’s why subscribers are willing to pay for entertaining content.

In order to shoot funny videos, one doesn’t have to be a pro stand-up comedian. You can get inspiration from the works of other bloggers or create videos where you make fun of famous companies or current news.

Step #3. Create up-to-date educational content

Have you noticed that coaches on social media teach their subscribers through play? Mastering any area of business has turned into a kind of quest. This is most noticeable in various marathons, where tasks are timed, just like a contest. This doesn’t mean that you can’t create serious educational content on FriendsOnly. Think how you can make useful information easy to comprehend. Your videos shouldn’t turn into a boring school lesson.

Think, what will make your followers pay for education? Just like many eminent coaches, add personal life stories to your lessons. And always try to keep a complex explanation as simple as possible. The sooner the listener absorbs this information, the better his/her impression is of the educational process. Consequently, the sooner s/he will agree to the established tuition fee.

Step #4. Create exclusive content

Regardless of the theme of your videos — be that an educational course or content for adults — you have to come up with new plots and stories. For inspiration and general ideas, it will be useful to watch other bloggers, especially foreign ones. But never make copies of someone else’s content. On the one hand, over time you’ll get tired of repeating other people’s work. On the other, your subscribers might discover your source of inspiration. In any case, this will stop the growth of the account.

What can an aspiring blogger, who has never shot a video, do? The right thing to do might be following several other bloggers whose works inspire you. Then, think of how to combine shooting techniques or themes in your videos.

Step #5. Perfect your content

Have you ever dropped a TV series in the middle of it? Surely it’s happened. And, probably, the problem was not that the show itself became less fun. Most likely, the development of the plot seemed predictable or the story was drawn out. But the writers just wanted to tell a story that was logical and as close to life as possible.

Luckily for you, you can (and should) make small changes to your videos every now and then. This will keep the old subscribers interested. Set yourself a period of one or two months, after which you will shoot in a new way.

There are multiple options for changes. You can, for example, choose a new location for a video, a different method of editing, different color correction, or offscreen music. Is there speech in your video? Change a monologue to dialogue, or dialogue to monologue. This exercise in finding a new technique will be useful for you: it’ll make it easier to maintain interest in the creative process.

Step #6. Promote your account on Twitter

Any social network where the content is free for users is suitable for promoting paid content. Twitter is best for promoting your FriendsOnly account for two reasons. First, Twitter has a large global audience. Second, there is practically no censorship on this social network. This allows authors to publish even adult content without the risk of being banned.

Twitter allows for a convenient text posts search using hashtags. Think what key words describe your FriendsOnly content and use them on Twitter to post short text descriptions of your videos. Be sure to include a short teaser in every tweet as well as a link to your FriendsOnly account.

Step #7. Promote your account on Instagram

It’s obvious that Instagram is a perfect platform for promoting visual content. However, users rarely search for content on their own — more often social network algorithms offer users publications that might interest them.

This means that you don’t have to come up with a verbal description of your videos. Make quality photos and regularly post them on Instagram. Add key hashtags to help social network algorithms to better understand the specifics of your content. To attract followers from Instagram to FriendsOnly, add a link to the bio in your account and be sure to remind followers in every post that more exclusive content is available on FriendsOnly.

One of the benefits of FriendsOnly for aspiring authors is that one doesn’t have to strictly adhere to all the steps above. Choose the rules suitable for you and start to regularly post your videos. Register on FriendsOnly and see firsthand how easy it is to develop your account and make money by publishing content.

