What is wrong with OnlyFans

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5 min readNov 19, 2021

With the growing popularity of OnlyFans, negative comments from social network users are more frequent. What are the main challenges users face and what are the alternatives to OnlyFans in 2023?

OnlyFans has its own issues

What does OnlyFans mean

Onlyfans is a popular content subscription platform where content creators post photos and videos. The original advantage of OnlyFans over social media was a clear principle. If a user wants to see exclusive content, he pays for it. This scheme is familiar for every Netflix user. OnlyFans let bloggers make money from their content. However, some not-so-great features turned into systemic difficulties.

Both subscribers and content creators complain about the quality of the platform. Feedbacks from both sides are partially linked. For example, many subscribers who are dissatisfied with the quality of content deactivate their account, which leads to a decrease in the earnings of models.

OnlyFans tries to provide legal rules for participation for all users of the platform. One of the obvious processes for achieving transparency is author verification. It is necessary to verify the identity of the content creator and its age. At first glance, this is a small action that does not require much effort. However, thousands of users on the Internet complain about the verification process. Imagine how many complaints are known only for customer support.

Probably, the problem with verification is related to the automatic process of checking documents. The task of the site is to compare the data from the uploaded ID and from the selfie taken by the user with the ID in his/her hand. When the algorithm cannot match documents, the user has to repeat the process, which becomes an endless negative experience. Contacting the customer support does not guarantee a solution to the problem, since the resources of the customer support are limited, and the number of calls is large. Specialists have to put tickets in a long queue. This situation creates negative first experiences and, eventually, kills the mood.

Alternative solutions

Many alternative platforms have been developed after OnlyFans. New companies checked the ineffective solutions of their predecessors, and they implemented other mechanisms in those routine processes where OnlyFans is experiencing difficulties. The obvious result of this approach is a smoother user experience. As a result, users immediately develop a loyalty to the site. If nothing negative happens on the first day after registration, the user remains enthusiastic.

How it works

The TonPlace implements an effective user verification system, which, with rare exceptions, allows you to establish the correct identity and the uploaded ID within 4 hours. If the documents or photos uploaded by the user do not meet the necessary conditions, the user will immediately find out about the reason for the rejection of the verification. However, such cases account for less than 0.1% of verified users.

Payment without preview

When OnlyFans was a new phenomenon, all content creators aimed to outperform their competitors, which is why they regularly posted a lot of photos and videos. The more users were ready to pay for access to content, the more often cases of unfair attitude of authors towards subscribers began to arise.

In 2021, the main points of complaints come from four aspects:

  • it’s not known what content is hidden behind the paywall until the moment of subscription;
  • Many authors add in subscription content which is typical for any social networks, and add extras as paid posts, which increases user spendings;
  • The frequency of posting new content is unknown;
  • OnlyFans is not responsible for the posted content, so you cannot complain if the content does not meet expectations.

The mentioned issues are related to the subscriber experience. The more dissatisfied subscribers leave, the less money the content creators earn. And according to the latest press releases, OnlyFans is not trying to resolve this issue. The system can satisfy the majority of users, which, apparently, is the reason for the indifference of the platform administration.

The problem lies in the specifics of the interface and UX. All paid posts are hidden from the content creator’s feed. If the user wants to check what is hidden behind the paywall, he needs to pay for a monthly subscription. Sure, it’s easy for a user to pay $9.99, but it’s a shame if that money turns out to be a ripoff.

Alternative solutions

An example of successful subscription implementation is Netflix’s policy. Two factors allow new subscribers to understand which content the service offers, not risking their money. The first factor is a trial. During the first month a user has time to figure out whether he needs to pay regularly every month. The second factor is the preview, i.e. trailers that allow you to quickly evaluate the proposed film. A similar system is implemented on the TonPlace content subscription service.

How it works

Content creators on TonPlace are not limited in any way in promotional offers to their subscribers. Following the example of OnlyFans, they can hide all content behind a paywall, but there is an alternative that allows bloggers to quickly acquire loyal subscribers.

Two unique ways to get new followers on TonPlace:

  • Publishing a free video available to all Internet users;
  • Trial subscription for up to three days.

All paid videos are blurry on TonPlace. This means that even a user without a subscription has the opportunity to imagine what is in the video from the first frame.

Read more Onlyfans related content we published on our blog:

Best Sites and Apps to Sell Private Video
Tips to Promote Account
How To Start OnlyFans

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