I Stopped Writing For 2 Months

It was the worst thing I could have done. But I had a good surprise.

How to Make Money Writing


Photo by Will Porada on Unsplash

I decided to take the stupidest test I could have done on medium.com.

I stopped writing for two months to see what would happen: see what I learned.

TLDR: It was not a good thing, don’t do that.

The hypothesis

I wanted to prove that regardless of whether I write or not, the platform would be able to continue generating passive income.

This happens, but when you have few followers and are at the beginning, this income is very small. We will see later.

I lost the habit of writing

The test should only be a month. Then it took me another month to write an article again. It’s like you make a regime and a certain day, you decide to go to a pizzeria. All the effort is lost. Starting over is difficult.

I lost money

In the first month, the views were reduced to 1/5 and in the second they were reduced by half of this 1/5.

This affected a huge drop in earnings, almost. The sum of the 2 months yielded half of what I was getting in the second month of serious…

