How to Market Yourself in the Workplace: Introduction

Camden Wier
How to Market Yourself in the Workplace
2 min readSep 22, 2017

This “crash course” will educate anyone who wants to learn more about how to successfully market oneself in the workplace. We will cover articles and workshops relating to topics such as how to communicate effectively, how to project a confident voice tone and body language, and how to build lasting rapport.

I would like to further investigate this topic because this is an area where I would personally like to improve. Furthermore, I had recently written an article called my Philosophy of Work — an article about how I believe one should pursue work and what it means to them. In this article, I discussed how one should find their passion and develop their intrapersonal intelligence in order to find a job that they enjoy so much that they never have to retire. That article represents the “inner game” of a person or how they should think about work inside their own mind. This workshop is part two of that paper, which will focus on the “outer game” or how one must take action in order to achieve their goals in life.

Who would benefit from this course? Anyone who is looking to excel in the workplace and establish a competitive advantage to their peers. In order to establish this competitive advantage, we will devise strategies in how to be proficient in each module covered in this course. Each module will be “game ready” meaning you can take it right from this blog and apply it right away. Further, we will develop metrics so that you will be able to document your results in a measurable manner so that you can track your progress and continuously improve.

A last word: this workshop will consist of fundamentals in our chosen areas of focus. That said, these fundamental must be mastered first in their simple form before you go on and “add your secret sauce” in order for them to work properly.

