How To Memorise The Quran During University

Memorise in two years with just 5 steps.

Qāri Mubashir
How To Memorise The Qur’an
5 min readSep 8, 2016


✦ This article has been updated and republished at How To Memorise The Quran — be sure to read it there! ✦

I was memorising the Qur’an during school and college. The journey didn’t end there. I shared my experiences in the book, The Promise of Ten. Recently I’ve had lots of questions from students in email and Facebook.

“How can I memorise the Qur’an in my final 2 years at University?”

“How can we balance memorisation with college or university work?”

“How much am I supposed to memorise?”

Allah works in the best of ways. The final message I got on this topic was just lat week. “Can make an article on how to memorise the Qur’an whilst dealing with university and college?”

Well here’s the answer. It’s an adaptation of an answer I gave someone last month through email. I hope it will be useful for you.

So if you’re trying to memorise the Qur’an during college or university all you need to do is follow 5 basic steps. If you have a daughter, a son, a cousin, a nephew, a brother or a sister in the same position — share this with them.

How to Memorise the Qur’an During College or University With Just 5 Steps

When I use the terms college and university, I’ll be working off the UK context. The ideas shared though can apply across the board.

Here we go…

Step ONE — Get Organised And Work Out The Numbers

After you’ve chosen what Mus’haf you are using, you’re going to make a plan. Let’s say you are using Mus’haf al Huffadh (Uthmani). That Mus’haf should be 15 lined, approx. 600 pages with 20 pages per Juz. The Qur’an has 6236 verses. If you are not using this, you might be using a Qur’an that has 13 lines with 30 pages per Juz or 16 lines with 18 pages per Juz.

Step TWO — Work out how much you need to memorise

Based on the numbers you can work out how much you need to memorise. Let’s take the above example, you would be looking at daily, weekly and monthly targets. They would look like this:

  • 600 pages / 731 days = 0.8 pages per day (almost 1 page)
  • 600 pages / 104 weeks = 5.7 pages per week (0.25–0.30 Juz per week)
  • 600 pages / 24 months = 25 pages per month (1.5 Juz)

Are you following?

Step THREE — Narrow step two down further

Step FOUR — Work out your best memorisation method and technique

Method and technique are two different things in my book.

Method is the process by which you memorise and revise whereas technique is the way in which you do it best.

Method is an established, logical, or systematic plan. One of many methods of solving a problem. What’s the route to get there? (schedule, timing, order, Arabic language, meaning, understanding etc)

A technique is the manner and ability with which you use technical skills to effect a desired result. what’s the best way to do it? (repetition, style, supplements etc)

Always forgetting

✦ This article has been updated and republished at How To Memorise The Quran — be sure to read it there! ✦

Step FIVE — Begin and concentrate on creating a habit by creating an ideal week

You need to now begin, having a teacher or someone to hold you to account in place is the right way to go.

Now you need to concentrate on implementing the plan by establishing a habit.

Create a Google Sheet for your Hifdh calendar and create an Ideal Week with it. In the Ideal Week you create themes for each day and create time blocks for things you need to get down to. A morning routine and priorities will go first. You will map out your whole week. This will include time for university, eating, studying, memorisation/revision, work. This will give you focus and show you exactly how you need get things done. I did this whilst I was in Cairo and is something I speak about in in the book, The Promise of Ten.


I‘ve made a spreadsheet template sheet with an ideal week and a Hifdh plan. See here:

You can only view this. You will have to make a copy of it for yourself. You will see the spreadsheet has three tabs for you to edit: (1) an ideal week (2) Hifdh plan (3) revision plan.

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