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The Dilemma: Memorise Qur’an or Understand Qur’an?

Qāri Mubashir
How To Memorise The Qur’an
2 min readNov 18, 2019


✦ This article has been updated and republished at How To Memorise The Quran — be sure to read it there! ✦

I’ve had questions from various people asking about whether they should focus on memorisation of the Qur’ān or understanding it. The memorisation of the Qur’ān or Tajwīd. The memorisation of the Qur’ān or Arabic. Among the five rights of the Qur’ān, which is superior — memorising or understanding? Or do both go hand in hand?

From the outset I will say that nothing matches understanding and its superiority but it’s wrong to look at it as a separate element that needs complete focus. Likewise with any component — be it recitation or memorisation. It is a journey where you depart from recitation and the destination is reaching understanding. We should start from the basics. In this context, this means re-engaging and understanding what is recitation, Tajwīd, memorisation, and understanding of the Qur’ān and thus what is knowledge.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

“What all of this means is that recitation, memorisation and understanding have their own respective places and roles to play. We don’t pick and choose. They are all linked like a set of clogs in a machine. One clog has to move first for the other clogs to move and so forth and ultimately then recitation, Tajwīd, memorisation, reflection, understanding, and other things are all work together like they make up one big machine. This machine of clogs is called sacred knowledge. Another way to think about it is what was mentioned previously, it’s a journey with a departure and a destination with transits in between the journey.”

Don’t look at what is superior and what should you be focusing on. You need to focus on all of them!

What we have conveyed is what our teachers have conveyed to us. I ask Allah that He blesses us with His favour of knowledge and understanding. Bless our guides, and honour us with His guidance.


✦ This article has been updated and republished at How To Memorise The Quran — be sure to read it there! ✦

