Getting Started with How To Money

How To Money Australia
How To Money
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2018

Welcome to How To Money! This page is designed to familiarise you with our platform and help you get started with all our resources.

Our mission here at How To Money is to get young Australians talking about money, and give them the resources to guide them on their financial education journey. We want to normalise the conversation around money and personal finance and encourage young people to get involved in the conversation.

How To Money is here to change the way young Australians talk about finance. Financial education is so important to give everyone a great start to life and assist in giving young people the ability to make informed and educated financial decisions. Financial education is for all young Australians, and we shouldn’t be afraid to stick up our hand and ask questions about it.

We want you to know the facts, the stats and the options. There are so many ways you can use your money, and it’s not our place to give you the specifics, but we can help to make you aware of what’s out there and how to get started. We want to share with you things we’ve tried that have worked, and also the many things that haven’t worked.

Money seems like such a complex issue that many don’t think it should even be discussed in general conversation, but we think it should be. Have a chat with your friends and family and see what they know, maybe even find out if they have any ideas on where you should start. Financial education is a lifelong journey, but the earlier you get started, the more you can make informed decisions about your financial future.

What do we believe here at How To Money?

  • We believe that financial literacy is an important skill set that all young Australians should be exposed to, and given the resources to grow.
  • We believe that young Australians should feel comfortable around financial concepts, and feel confident when discussing the subject of money with their friends and family.
  • We believe that a solid foundation in financial education leads to lifelong benefits.
  • We believe that financial topics should be spoken about and shared, in ways that young Australians can understand and relate to.
  • We believe in honesty, full-disclosure and discussion around financial concepts and products.

How To Money Podcast

Catch us on the How To Money Podcast to learn more about money and personal finance. Your hosts Susan & Kate break down financial topics and make them more understandable — with some terrible jokes (from Kate that is).

If you’re looking for our How To Money podcast on iTunes/Apple Podcast — click here. If you don’t have iTunes but still want to listen to our podcast — click here.

How To Money Articles

We regularly publish pieces on the How To Money platform and often feature interviews and articles from various financial companies and individuals who have a passion for financial education.

Some of our favourite articles to get you started are:

Super, It’s Your Money | 3 Things To Consider Before Spending Money | What is a Share? | 4 Ways To Financially Prepare Yourself For University | Risk, Return and Diversification | Exploring Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) with BetaShares | What is a Bond? | What is Diversification?

Questions, Ideas and Submissions

We enjoy hearing from you, answering your questions, and helping you find the most relevant information to make informed and educated financial decisions, so feel free to get in touch with us.

Get in Touch with How To Money

Follow us on Twitter @HowToMoneyAUS

Follow our articles via Medium at How To Money Australia

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Important Information

The information on this blog and website is of a general and educational nature only. It does not take into account your individual financial situation, objectives or needs. You should consider your own financial position and requirements before making a decision, as we are not an advisory service. We recommend you consult a licensed financial adviser in order to assist you. The information is based on assumptions or market conditions which can change without notice, and this will impact the accuracy of the information provided. This website and blog occasionally provide links to third party sites, aimed at helping you gather the information required to make an informed decision — we may receive payment for these referrals.



How To Money Australia
How To Money

Our mission is to get young Australians talking about personal finance, and give them the resources to guide them in their financial education journey.