Learn About Padlet.

How To Present With Bunkr
2 min readJul 16, 2015


Present Them in Bunkr.

Brainstorm remotely and keep thoughts organized. Accumulate research in a single space. Curate websites all in one place. Sound interesting to you? Then you may want to check out Padlet.

Padlet is the most Padlet is an online blank slate that allows users to collaborate with others. Its simple to use interface allows people (both students and professionals) to engage and work with one another.

Bunkr is the only presentation platform that allows you to present Padlets .With Bunkr, you can keep your Padlets remote and up-to-date (in case someone decided to add something extra in the last minute).

How to Use Padlet

Present Padlet with Bunkr

Padlet is possibly the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world.

  • On the Padlet you’d like to share, click on the share button
  • Copy the Embed code
  • Go back to Bunkr and click on the More button
  • Paste the code in the box and click on Add

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