Do’s And Don’ts in Email Marketing

Some cool tips to share and make the emails never reach the destination called SPAM

Social Guy


Spam problems and email marketing go hand in hand. At Fusion, we have been dealing with the spam problems since the beginning of the email marketing process. It is a hard task to deal.

Considering the fact that emailing has seen its decline especially in the B2C marketing campaigns. It is still alive in the B2B marketing prospects, but one has to make sure that they serve the right channels and reach the right desk.

Well it has the potentiality to turn disastrous if you are not careful at every stage of processing. The moment the email host is marked as the spammer, the open rates & the deliverability starts declining, and then your account has greater threat of suspension.

There is a common notion: It Is Not Possible to Trick the Spam Filter.

However, the notion is partially true. Spam filter generally works by scanning the email based on content type and the choice of words. The system in which it works or sinks is lucid and gives us a chance to modify the email formats before becoming a prey to spamming. You might not have a professional template for marketing, but if you miss out an important identifier, your email will be tagged “SPAM”.


• Include a ‘from’ address as emails from unknown senders immediately regarded as spam.
• Avoid addresses like or
• Include the physical mailing address and a phone number in your email.
• Try to restrain the size of the email within 30KB and remove the use of unnecessary text and images.
• Remember to provide the unsubscribe link within the email, in a way that it is apparently visible to the recipient. This will help you not to be labeled as SPAM. The unsubscribe link must be active within at least 30 days of sending the email.
• Try to use the permission marketing techniques or the double opt-in method to avoid sending mails to that person who will surely mark your email as SPAM. (Remember: Both the methods ask for permission to receive the email)
• Just make sure that the email templates clearly identify your brand. Include your company logo on the upper left corner or at the center of the email template. Avoid the stock template colors and customize the templates according to the website theme.


• Do not use words that are going to express spam-like content such as Free, Money Back Offer Guaranteed and words that we generally tag as SPAM triggering words.
• Restrain the use of loud colors in your email body text.
• Do use capital letters in the email body text and in the subject line.
• Restrain the use of punctuation or exclamation marks to once in an email.
• Reduce the use of excessive symbols. Make it a point to use descriptive words. If you use Dollar Sign ($), then do not overdo it ($$$$).
• Do not use the prominent call-to-action buttons like ‘CLICK HERE’ with loud colors, as it may trigger SPAM actions.
• Reduce the use of bad HTML coding and avoid converting Microsoft word files to HTML.
• Make sure that you do not use the words like ‘Re’ or ‘Fwd’ in the subject line to trick recipients. Since, most of the time they take the mail as the continuation of a previous conversation.
• Do not use many images that have text. If your email is HTML coded, avoid the use of one big image.
• Make sure that you do not use the purchase list. Sending email to the person who does not expect your email is risky and thus your company reputation will be at stake.
• Avoid misleading the recipients with wrong offers and claims. Always deliver what you have mentioned in the subject line.
• Make sure that you do not use bulky attachment in the emails. If you are attaching files like .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf that does not mean it will not have text messages in the email body.

Once the exchange of thoughts begins, your email will never get a tag of SPAM. Are you ready to try them?



Social Guy

Founder, Editor-in-Chief SociableBlog. Author. Consultant and Entrepreneurs. Looking for the Newest Startups and Apps.