About the author

Jonathan Crocker

Jonathan Crocker
How to write a good film review
2 min readAug 24, 2019


Who am I?

I’m Jonathan Crocker, author of ‘How to write a good film review’.

What qualifies me to write this guide?

Mostly, that I’ve made every mistake this guide tells you not to make. And then some. But additionally, I worked as a UK film journalist — both staff and freelance — for more than a decade.

My main jobs in film journalism have been:

  • News Editor of Total Film magazine
  • Film Editor of i-D magazine
  • Editor of Little White Lies magazine, which I also helped to launch
  • Co-creator and editor of delve, a weekly digital newsletter about film and life
  • Co-creator of Cult Movie Cards with illustrator Paul Willoughby
  • I’ve also written about film for places like Time Out, ShortList, Esquire, the Guardian, the Independent, GQ, MSN, IGN, SFX and other acronyms

Why did I write this guide?

I’ll never forget what it felt like when I was trying to break into film journalism. Like there was a pane of glass between me and my dream job. I could see exactly where I wanted to be. But getting there seemed massively unlikely.

No one got bored of reminding me of that, either. Fair enough. There should have been no way on earth that I managed to get a job in the industry. I had no contacts, no money and did not live in London.

But I knew that if I could write great film reviews, and someone saw them, I had a chance. I was desperate to learn this specific skill. So it was frustrating to discover I would struggle to find any resources that could help me.

And that’s why this guide exists. I wanted to write something I would have loved to read back then. It’s a guide I hope will be useful to anyone who is where I was.



ps. If you don’t want to be a film critic, I also wrote a thing called Hopefully, the 10 most useful writing tips you’ll ever read. I hope they are!

pps. You can find me on Twitter @JonathanCrocker

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Jonathan Crocker
How to write a good film review

Author of ‘How to write a good film review’. Thinking about MMA, space, storytelling, gaming, motorbikes, film, harmonica, learning, happiness, cephalopods