How To Realign Your Team To Address Retention Challenges

Disengaged employees either leave or stop performing at the height of their potential.

Pany Aghili,
2 min readJun 14, 2023


However, by following these 4 steps, you can realign your teams and build an engaged and high-performing organization.

4 disheartened employees in an empty office space.
Created by Microsoft Designer

Gather annually to:

1. Visit and discuss organizational vision, mission, and values.

The vision, set for at least 20 years into the future, is what you aim to accomplish.

Your mission accurately and concisely captures what you do to achieve the vision.

Your values are your guiding principles for interactions and decisions.

How does review of vision, mission, values support realignment?

  • Clarifying and communicating the vision help unite the team around a shared purpose.
  • A concise mission statement aligned with the vision establishes a clear connection between the organization’s vision, mission, and day-to-day activities, promoting accountability and consistency.
  • Aligning values with practices and policies fosters transparency, improves decision-making, and supports ethical practices.

2. Review strategic priorities

Are the priorities still aligned with the vision, mission, and values or have they shifted? How do the priorities help the organization achieve its vision? Adjust existing priorities as necessary and identify new priorities accordingly.

How does priorities alignment contribute to better retention outcomes?

Alignment between priorities and vision strengthens the organization’s capacity and clarifies its obligations, which positively affects employee retention.

3. Celebrate achievements

Celebrate and acknowledge your teams’ achievements. Schedule time and create an environment where team members can share how their colleagues’ performance has elevated their own. Name the positive impact on the clients’ lives helping employees see the value and purpose in their work. Remember, impact is not an outcome. It is a shift in the clients’ hearts, minds, and behaviour.

How does celebrating achievements support retention?

  • Acknowledgment and appreciation affirm each person’s value and the value of their contributions.
  • Witnessing the positive impact on the clients’ lives connects the dots for everyone and showcases the lasting ripple effect of their work.

4. Operationalize plan in smaller teams

To effectively implement your plan, involve smaller teams and provide them with autonomy and ownership. Each team should adjust and contribute to the operational plan based on the relevant priorities.

How does effective implementation strategy support retention?

  • The road map is defined.
  • Accountability measures are clarified.
  • The creation of the operational plan by the teams provides them with the autonomy and ownership required for high engagement and in turn, high performance.

Outcome? High retention

By following these steps, you create an environment conducive to high retention rates. Employees feel a stronger connection to the organization’s purpose, have clarity in their roles and responsibilities, receive recognition for their contributions, and have the autonomy to drive their own success. This cumulative effect leads to a more engaged workforce and ultimately higher retention rates.



Pany Aghili,

Elevating Female Leaders To Build High-Performing Non-Profits With A Blend Of Real-World Experience & Strategic Expertise | 17+ Leadership