How To Be Kinder To Yourself

Five Easy Ways On How To Be Kinder To Yourself

mayson paige
3 min readSep 14, 2023


Being kind to oneself seems easier than what it actually contains, I think this is honestly something not only I struggle with but something that a lot of people in this world do too. I think that there are a few things that I have done differently recently that everyone could use as a way to be kinder to oneself. So let’s talk about it!

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

1. Take a Breath!

Oh my gosh, it is sometimes so easy to get caught up in the moment of doing things for other people that sometimes, you just need to take a breath. Take a moment for yourself, do something nice for yourself rather than something nice for other people. You have to live with your decisions, not them, so be present and mindful of how you spend your time.

2. Set Goals

I think if you set regular goals of what you want to have accomplished throughout the day, week, or month you will automatically feel better. Even if they are small goals, like eating a little healthier or going for a walk once a week, you are more prone to feel more accomplished about your life. You should want to feel accomplished within your life and setting goals will help you with that feeling.

3. Try a Relaxing Activity

So I personally didn’t believe in doing this until I tried it for myself recently. I started doing yoga recently and it has helped made me feel more active and good about the body that I am in. I think that when taking care of ourselves we automatically think that we need to work out and eat super healthy, but honestly just doing simple stretches is enough for you to feel active and good about yourself.

4. Make Sleep a Priority

I know this is easier said than done, but I think if you get into a good routine where you are able to actually get a good night's rest you are able to function even more proficiently. When I get a good amount of sleep I am able to actually be able to have an even better day than I was to have when I get hardly any sleep. Sleep is important in any way you can possibly get it, even if it’s taking naps during the day, as long as you are able to feel fully rested then you will automatically be a healthier human being.

5. Have Fun!

Make sure even with all the stress of everyday life you are able to see your friends, or just have fun in general. It’s good to have breaks between working and to have something to look forward to. So whether it’s going out with friends or staying in and having a movie night, fill your life with fun to counteract some of the stress.

