Life! What comes to your mind when you first think of it? Let me know in the comments.

The Girl In The Grey Hoodie
3 min readFeb 15, 2024


Have you ever thought life would be simple? Well if you did, you’re wrong.

Photo by Stefan on pexels

I’m 22 and I think I can give you a talk on life. I’m currently drowning in the ocean of my own thoughts. What are these thoughts about? My career and my personal relationships. You might be thinking what’s so tough about my career. Choosing one is the hardest part. Coming from a Computer Science background, I personally feel that there are a lot of opportunities for you. You can either get into the corporate world with really high paying jobs or choose an entirely different field. Management is another top choice for you.

With social media and AI booming these days, there’s a lot of thought on “Should I become a social influencer? I’d get name, fame and products to try out for free!” or “Should I dance on a trending song and upload it on Instagram or Tiktok? What if it’ll get me some brand collabs and deals?” or “Should I learn a few skills using AI and create bulk short videos to upload on Youtube and monetize my channel?”. All of this is fricking confusing and irritating as well.

So how to figure out your life?

  1. Well personally you should know what you want in your life. That’s the first step. Take some time and figure that out. Whether it’s the corporate job or content creation or a mix of both or something else that interests you. Once you figure that out, half the battle is won.
  2. Then find the way to walk on that chosen path. For example, if you’d want to become a data analyst, then the way for you would be something like, master Excel, Python, SQL, R, Tableau, PowerBI among others.
  3. Now that you know what you should be doing, START. TAKING. ACTION. Give yourself some time to master the skills required.
  4. After getting acquainted with the skills and when you feel that you’re ready to take over, find work for you to do. Be it through LinkedIn, Facebook groups or websites that offer you genuine work.
  5. That’s it. You’ll be taking your first baby steps in the world of ‘work’.

What about your personal relationships? As an adult it becomes really hard for you to stay in touch or catch up with your friends very often. Everyone has their own shit to figure out. There’s nothing wrong with that. You could host weekly calls to all of your friends to stay in touch rather than talking every day. Allow yourself and teach yourself to be at peace with everything that’s happening in your life. Well if you think you can change it without harming anyone, go ahead and make your world better. But if you think that there’s nothing you can do, then all you can do is accept and move on. You can’t control everything in the universe. Be at peace with it.

Life will get better with time, if you work on it.

Tell me in the comments what your takeaway is and what you’d wanna do with your life.



The Girl In The Grey Hoodie

Content on daily life. Event planning enthusiast. I like to travel. Comfort zone can be lethargic sometimes.