How To Get More Youtube Views: 20 Best Practices

Komal Chaturvedi
Published in
7 min readJun 15, 2023

YouTube turns out to be the second-largest platform for searching and surfing about stuff. Stuff in general, or something specific. Hence, there are numerous channels out there where you regularly post videos but fail to get noticed.

To help you deal with that, here are 20 best practices that will garner more likes on your YouTube videos.

How do you get more views on YouTube without spending much?
This article is going to tell you exactly how to do that.

1. Titles With apt Keywords

An engaging and fascinating title will do two things: give keywords to the calculation to sort for significance purposes, draw in clients, and advise them about what the video is about.

To lead keywords to investigate, you can utilize run-of-the-mill SEO strategies like utilizing a catchphrase organizer or other catchphrase inquiries about instruments.

Enhancing your animated explainer video content for the correct keywords will help increase natural perspectives by illuminating to clients and internet searchers exactly what your video is about.

2. Descriptions That are Keyword Rich

When the video is the medium, you can all the more likely tell web crawlers and clients exactly what your video is about. This will help increase the active visitor clicking percentage and, consequently, the perspectives, as clients will recognize what’s in store in your video.

Attempt to both stick out and stay nonexclusive; you should catch intrigue while as yet attempting to rank for short-tail catchphrases.

Allure clients over the overlap with your depictions and upgrade them effectively for the YouTube web crawler as you would with an ordinary SEO meta portrayal.

3. Tags

YouTube videos are greatly recognized by tags. They are the mirror of what your content or video is really about. Choose tags that define your video and are relatable keywords. Think of short-tail and long-tail tags and consider SEO as well.

4. Thumbnail

Your thumbnail, similar to a profile picture, can do some incredible things while expanding your YouTube views, whether they’re on the natural outcomes page, the proposed videos segment, or showing up via web-based networking media.

Utilize excellent pictures that are lucid and draw in textual styles and facial close-ups, on the off chance that they’re included in your video.

5. Transcripts

Be that as it may, shut-ins can help get more YouTube views as they take into account universal crowds and the handicapped

6. Content That is Informative

Your video content ought to offer some benefit to the viewer, regardless of whether it’s showing them how to do or get something, or basically keeping them connected and engaged.

When clients consider your content significant, they’ll yearn for more, eventually leading to an increase in the number of people who like your video.

7. Virality

As of now, there's an implicit market that wants to see content inside the setting of a viral wonder, so you should take advantage of it.

A genuine model is all the YouTube videos that were made because of the United Airlines PR disaster.

It’s not in every case simple or conceivable to connect your video substance to progressing patterns; be that as it may, in the event that you can locate a smart method to do it, you can support your perspectives on YouTube with the assistance of an eager open search for all the more slanting logical substance.

8. Guest YouTubers

Influencers, celebrities, and experts. Never miss out on them. Offer a connection to one of their videos or sites in your depiction, and you can shape a productive relationship based on correspondence.

9. Relatability

YouTube’s calculations will introduce the content in the suggested videos section as they would for a natural outcome, with one proviso: the video a client just watched may have less to do with the first question they put in, and more to do with the pertinence of the video the client just saw.

By upgrading your video to be significant to other well-known videos, you’ll increase the odds of driving clients to see your YouTube channel and video, quickly. You can also get a professional video made by MotionGility for better results.

You can target comparative watchwords and depictions and make video content that covers a similar point with an all the more captivating tone or with more data displayed in a progressively open manner.

10. Use Cards

These YouTube enhancement highlights empower you to advance your other substance inside your video. You can make cards that can be utilized to:

  • Highlight other video content
  • Get more audience
  • Direct traffic toward your website
  • Convince clients

Utilize your social examination to see at which focuses clients quit viewing your video and actualize the card previously to guarantee it gets seen by more watchers.

YouTube conduct examinations give you a lot of noteworthy bits of knowledge and measurements to advise each choice you make to build your video sees.

11. End Screens

End screens serve the special capacity of doing a smidgen of everything toward the finish of your video.

It’s an opportunity to furnish clients who making the most of your substance with all the pertinent data in regards to your channel, different playlists, prescribed videos, and your checked site.

Regardless of whether you’re increasing more endorsers or connecting to your different videos, both enhancement includes legitimately or in a roundabout way to help your YouTube sees.

End screens are an incredible method to advance your own substance before YouTube’s calculations prescribe other well-known videos and pull individuals from your channel and videos.

12. Marquee Video

A decent marker is for your video to have in any event 5,000 perspectives with the goal that it will show up in more list items because of its previously existing fame.

Like inner connecting on sites, your marquee videos can be an incredible method to push traffic and perspectives to your lesser-known videos and divert when all is said in done.

13. Autoplay

Autoplay will naturally start playing a video when it’s been inserted.

You should be cautious when you do this, as auto-played videos may irritate a few clients.

In the event that the video content is informative, at that point it may be a smart thought to utilize it as clients can quickly bounce into the video that is disclosing how to accomplish something.

To empower autoplay for inserted content, basically, add this code as far as possible of URL in the iframe.

14. Playlists

Make playlists for your content. Make every playlist with some theme and give them a stream and pertinence with the request in which they are played.

These are extraordinary for an instructive or engaging substance that recounts a story or goes top to bottom into how various parts make up an entirety.

15. Niche

Advancing yourself as a specialist in your own videos is a certain something, yet being a functioning part of your specialty network is another.

Remark on different videos and offer your recommendation or criticism, and if there’s video content that is feeling the loss of some crucial data, connect others to your substance to furnish them with more data.

Attempt to be as useful as could be expected under the circumstances and you’ll be remunerated with more clients to build your endorsers and eventually, your video sees.

16. SEO

SEO works wonders for your channel or video. Video installs do include backlinks and right now, joins are highlighting the YouTube video, which helps its Website optimization positioning.

With well-thought SERPs, you can direct the traffic your video gets and increase your likes.

Read: How to do SEO for Video

17. Cross-Posting

Cross-stage advancement, particularly with YouTube can do something amazing in driving clients to see it.

You can arrive at your whole base by sharing connections on different profiles to channel them toward your video. Offer the connection as a post, or put it in the portrayal of your profiles to support your perspectives.

Sessions beginning your video show that your video is carrying clients to YouTube, which will bring about an increasingly good natural positioning and more appearances in recommend sees segments.

18. Specialty

There is a wide assortment of spots you can share your substance. Distinctive subreddits on Reddit or Quora themes that are applicable to your video’s advantages and offer objective crowds are an extraordinary spot to share your substance.

You can utilize other social bookmarking destinations to pedal enthusiasm for your videos like Stumbleupon and Pinterest.

19. Influencers

Influencer advertising is quickly turning into a go-to source to contact crowds for enormous name brands. You can utilize online networking to find influencers in your circle of intrigue and connect with them to advance your video content.

As viewers follow these influencers and constantly connect with the content they give, one chunk of your video can create a lot of perspectives for your YouTube video and channel.

20. Membership

Inserting your video will as of now acquire sees for your video, yet providing a buy-in catch to your channel will demonstrate very significant over the long haul. About half of the perspectives for a video originate from supporters, so expanding your endorsers will give you a decent knock on your videos.



Komal Chaturvedi

Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, ( an Explainer Video Company.