How To Lose Weight In Simple 4 Diet Plans Without Exercising

Humna khan
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2022

lose weight without removing your muffin’s top

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Whether your weight loss goal involves trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principle determines that how much weight have lost and how faster your weight loss will occur. Remembering the following steps of weight loss and simple healthy eating can help you achieve your goal in the best possible manner.

It is estimated that nearly 60% of the people in the world attempt to lose weight or try to eat healthy for better health.

One of the best ways to get a healthy body is to change your diet from now!

Many diets are available to know which one is best for your body. Hence, it may get tricky which one is to follow and which one is more effective, sustainable and efficient, and works best for your body.

Some diets aim to reduce your appetite, while others suggest taking calories or carbs to burn more fat.

While the best approach is to eat fewer calories and to burn more calories in your physical activities along with the best weight loss diet, to lose a single pound to need to burn approximately 3,500 calories, you can consistently achieve it by increasing the intake of healthy foods, cutting down your calories consumption and burning it more from physical activity.

Here are the best ten weight loss diet plan that burns the fat and help in the improvement of your health.

Intermitting fasting:

Intermitting fasting is one of the best ways to lose weight faster. It restricts your eating time and helps your body consume the calories already present in the body. This is the simplest yet most accessible way to lose your body fat.

The research shows that intermittent fasting can burn up to 3–8% of your calories within 4 to 24 weeks, significantly more effective than the other. It also helps in preserving muscle mass and fat burning.

The other health benefits of intermitting fasting are that it improves brain health, prevents aging at a faster pace, reduces inflammation, and increases insulin sensitivity. There are other numerous health benefits as well.

Drink plenty of water:

Water is considered an affordable and healthy choice to fulfill your thirst anytime and anywhere. It can no calories and no sugar, which is best suited for your weight loss diet plan.

Green tea, fruit tea, and coffee (without sugar) can also be considered healthy drinks.

If you don’t like to drink plain water, you can always infuse a green tea bag, some coffee, or a slice of lemon with mint (detox water), which is also the best way to lose weight and see results soon.

Plant-based diet:

Eating plants for weight loss is also a good option. It restricts animal slaughtering for ethical, environmental, and health purposes and helps reduce unwanted calories.

A vegan diet takes it further up by restricting eating animal meat or products made from animals such as dairy, honey, gelatin, whey, and casein.

A vegan diet is not only a diet but a lifestyle. It encourages eating healthier, green, and natural foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

A vegan diet helps in weight loss and has several other benefits. It helps in chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

The keto diet:

By following a keto diet, you can nearly cut all the carbs from the food intake, also known as ketosis. Its 70% — 80% fat, 5% — 10% carbs and 10% — 20% protein.

It reduces processed foods such as sugar, dairy, and grains, which are likely to increase weight.

Many diets have you lose weight and burn fat faster. Some of the most researched and exercised weight loss diet plans are intermitting fasting, drinking plenty of water, the keto diet, and a plant-based diet, which helps in weight loss and has other numerous benefits.

The diet you choose should be on the lifestyle and other food preferences, which ensures that you stick it to the longer term.



Humna khan

I’m an avid reader, a business student and talks about comtemporary topics like impersonal growth, life conflicts, beauty, fitness and more…