How To Make A Delicious Omelet

Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2023

An omelet is one of those dishes that you can make and customize to your heart’s content. You can add anything from bacon into it to mushrooms. Although it can look like a complex intricate dish, it is actually quite simple and quick to make. As an example, here is how I make my very yummy, delicious omelet.


  • 3–4 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Milk
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Broccoli and shredded cheese (you can use whatever fillings you want)


  • Frying pan and lid
  • Whisk or fork
  • Spatula
  • Small bowl


  • Gather all of your items.
  • Spray the pan with non-stick spray.
  • Chop up the broccoli and begin cracking your eggs and preparing your small bowl.
  • Mix all the ingredients into the small bowl until the items are combined
  • Once the items are combined pour your bowl onto the pan on the stove and let it sit there for a little.
  • Once you have done that pour the broccoli on top into the middle of the stove and spread them around as evenly as possible.
  • Begin with the spatula and push the sides of the eggs in to let all the runny yolk move around the pan and help form the omelet.
  • Repeat this until the omelet is barely runny anymore and add the shredded cheese.
  • Once you have added the cheese, place the pan lid on top of the pan and let it cook there for a minute or two.
  • When the egg looks like it is how you desire, flip half of the omelet onto the other half with a spatula.
  • Take the pan and slide your very yummy, delicious omelet onto your plate and enjoy!


  • Using a non-stick pan itself would be easier to make the omelet, but it is not necessary.
  • You do not need to cook the omelet on super high heat. Keep it medium and allow your omelet to cook with time.
  • Do not be afraid to try different fillings with your omelet. Mix it up and keep your taste buds surprised.

Now that you know how to make my very yummy, delicious omelet; go ahead and try it yourself and put whatever fillings you want in it. Remember, practice makes perfect so do not be discouraged if it does not come out well the first try. Anyways, enjoy your omelet!

Photo by Laura Lauch on Unsplash

