How To Make An Iced Chai Tea With Pre-Made Concentrate

Alexa Mislow
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2023

Ingredients Called For

  1. Chai Concentrate or Chai Base: Purchase a pre-bought chai concentrate (an unrefrigerated liquid usually found in the same aisle as the tea and coffee) or chai base from your local grocery store or online. They have ones at many grocery stores by the brand TAZO.
  2. Milk: Choose your preferred type of milk, such as milk including dairy, almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, etc.
  3. Ice: For the iced component of your latte.


  1. Measure Your Ingredients: Determine the ratio of chai concentrate to milk based on your taste preferences. Typically, you can start with a 1:1 ratio, but you can adjust it to make your latte stronger or milder. Usually, more chai is needed, so rather a 2:1 rather of chai to milk.
  2. Fill a Glass with Ice: Begin by filling a glass with ice cubes. The amount of ice depends on how cold and diluted you enjoy your latte. It can be from a full cup of ice to only a couple ice cubes, whatever you prefer.
  3. Pour Your Chai Concentrate: Pour the desired amount of chai concentrate or base over the ice. Start with about halfway up the glass and adjust from there.
  4. Add Any Milk: Pour the milk over the chai concentrate to fill the glass. Leave some space at the top for stirring. You can also use some kind of creamer instead of milk, especially with a different flavor, to make a unique flavor of chai.
  5. Stir Thoroughly: Use a longer spoon or a straw to stir the chai concentrate and milk thoroughly. Make sure they are well combined. You should be able to tell once the concentrate is fully stirred in if the color of the chai is a lighter tan in color.
  6. Taste and Change to Your Liking: Give your iced chai latte a taste. If you prefer it sweeter, you can add sweeteners such as sugar, honey, or agave syrup. Stir again to dissolve the sweetener. If you prefer less strong of a taste than it is, you can add more creamer/milk.
  7. Optional — Garnish: For an extra touch of flavor and presentation, you can garnish your iced chai latte with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick. You can also make cold foam by beating heavy whipping cream, milk or creamer into a thicker paste, and pouring that on top of the latte.
  8. Serve: Sip on your (mostly) homemade iced chai latte and enjoy!
Image from PixaBay



Alexa Mislow

Hi, I'm Alexa Mislow and a Psychology major with a strategic communications minor.