How To Motivate Yourself To Do Homework

Audrey West
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2024
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

As a college student who loves to learn but hates the work, motivation is the hardest thing to achieve. With the amount of work put on students, keeping up with the massive amount of homework and actually wanting to do it, is no battle for the weak. If a student does not watch themselves carefully, they can end up sinking in the missing work quicksand. The more you put it off, the more you will to the point of no return.

So here are 4 tips on how to motivate yourself to do your homework.

1. Reward Yourself

The number one way that I get myself out of my bed and in front of the computer, is giving myself a reason to do it. Sometimes that “A” is not enough motivation, and that’s ok. Depending on how big or long the assignment is, give yourself a reward that you think best fits.

For example, if you have a 6-page report that you must write, give yourself 30 minutes to do whatever you want after each page you finish. Then when you do finish, give yourself a final hurrah by giving yourself a little bigger of a reward. Whether that be going out to lunch with friends, watching TV, or really anything you want.

Having this mindset will allow you to have something to look forward to besides the thumbs up from your boss or the letter in the gradebook. But make sure not to set rewards that will end up making you procrastinate more in the end. Make sure to keep the rewards as big as the assignment.

2. Get Ready in the Morning

You may be asking yourself, “Well duh I have to get ready in the morning”. well yeah you do, but are you doing it to help yourself or to just get the day over with?

The type of attitude you have in the morning will affect the rest of your day more than you think. That morning routine is a big factor in this. Having a morning routine that keeps your mind at peace and positive will give you motivation throughout the day. Whether this be making sure you have a tasty coffee before heading out or doing a skincare routine. Whatever works for you!

3. Observational Learning

Now this one might be mind-boggling, but it works! At least for me, it does.

Find a show or movie that makes you want to conquer the world. Preferably a show that makes you happy and the character is doing something that you want to do.

For example, if I want motivation to try and be an academic success, I watch a certain show that follows a girl who strives to be a good student. Which then inspires me to be the same.

So do the same and find yourself a show, movie, or even person that motivates you. I Recommend doing this at night before bed, giving you the motivation in the morning.

4. Make it Fun

My last and final tip is to make it fun. That probably sounds a little cliche, but it is true. Find the routine that gets you going. In the end, everyone is their own person, so no routine is going to work for everybody.



Audrey West

Hello my name is Audrey! I am a current college student wanting to pursue in the publishing world! I write mostly fiction and fantasy