How To Properly Prepare for Finals Week

Leah Quill
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2023

If your peers, professors, parents, and inbox hasn’t informed you yet, we are approaching finals week. The week of doom, the reckoning, whatever you want to call it, being prepared to handle all that is thrown at you is not always easy. Read below to find the best tools and tricks in order to be adequately prepared.

Make a schedule.

What events are mandatory for you to show up to? When are your classes and final exam periods? When will you carve time to spend with yourself and friends? Creating a schedule is fantastic for planning ahead and feeling in control of what is to come.

2. Write a To Do List

Keeping track of all the assignments to do, papers to write, and exams to study for can be easier with a to do list. This way, you are aware of what you need to get done and get to engage in the cathartic act of crossing things off once they are completed.

3. Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is a huge factor in performance across the board, but especially in academic achievement. Getting at least eight hours of sleep every night and keeping a consistent sleep schedule will allow for better focus, retention, and motivation.

4. Fuel Your Body

Make sure to consume nutritious food that will fuel your brain and let you work to your highest potential. Avoid sugar and large amounts of caffiene that will give you a crash after consuming. Stick to complex carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in order to do the best you can.

5. Manage Stress

With lots to do and minimal time to do it, it is normal to feel levels of stress rise. However, they are countless ways to mitigate that. When in doubt, meditation and breathing excersices are great in order to regain control of one’s nervous system to refocus back to the task or event at hand!!

